Omicron in London and New York

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Gap between first symptoms and possible complications is only 9 to 10 days with omicron

Dr Jenny Harries, chief executive, UK Health Security Agency

Seems to have advised Sajid Javid, typically 17-day lag

Office for National Statistics (ONS), average delay of nine or 10 days

probably the most significant threat we’ve had since the start of the pandemic

50 – 70% less likely to be hospitalised

React, 23 November to 14 December 2021

(round 16 of the study)

Detected 11 cases of Omicron up to and including 11th December

US, Health and Human Services

ONS summary

SA data

SA hospital data

UK data


Total cases per day, 122,185

Omicron cases %, 71% to 93%

Hospital patients, 8,240

Omicron hospital patients, 366

Covid deaths, 137 (887 last 7 days)

Total omicron deaths, 29


One in 10 currently infected

Report 50 - Hospitalisation risk for Omicron cases in England

Omicron cases in Scotland, Eave II study

(Early Pandemic Evaluation and Enhanced Surveillance of COVID-19)

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This guy is by far the most informative, least political dude out here.
Absolutely the best for covid info.


You are really the ONE & ONLY, Dr. John! The way you mocked the incompetence of many of the government officials is SECOND to NONE! Cheers!


I can't imagine having lived through this without these updates. They are a beacon of clarity.


My husband and I both unvaxxed in our mid 60s are down with Omicron ….in ordinary times we would have thought we had a cold but in this crazed Covid era we are made to fear our demise with a headache, runny nose, scratchy throat and fatigue…….we are enjoying some quiet Netflix binging, …….


Merry Christmas Campbell. Being listening in since Jan 2020. You are truly a light in the darkness. I hope the world sees your work and gives you the recognition you truly deserve.


16:55 "... let's hope that's not the case (officials intentionally overstating the situation). It could just be incompetence." I almost spit milk out my nose when I heard that. I love how hard Dr. Campbell beats up on politicians without being anything but kind and polite in his delivery.


I have Omicron now and it's no big deal. Lots of head congestion, blowing my nose, a few mild body aches, mild fatigue but it is totally nothing! AND, I'm immunocompromised and not vaxed at all. Doing just fine and feeling better after two days.


Re the U.S.: A close friend who works in a hospital in Miami says that the current number of COVID cases is vastly overstated because so many people in hospital for other reasons are testing positive. They have relatively few actual symptomatic cases of people who were admitted due to COVID.


I had omicron, felt no fatigue, no headache, only congestion that didn’t last for more than two days. I attribute this to consistent vitamin d intake of 8k IU/day.


My partner tested positive last Wednesday. We had Covid back in February and are triple vaccinated. He is immunosuppressed and and was shielding last year. Now he just has a snotty nose and as soon as the PCR came back positive he got a call from Telford hospital who couriered over antivirals. Brilliant service. If all at risk patients are given antivirals at home, surely we won’t be seeing high hospitalisation and death rates again? No need to restrict the lives of everyone else anymore!!


Dr. John, thank you for being there for us. You’ve made this whole era a lot better.


Thank you John for your honest approach to this whole if not confusing situation. I’ve been spreading the word about Vit D, Zinc, Quercertin & Vit C. Much appreciated. 🙏🏻


Had my moderna booster on the 21st and asked the nurse to aspirate. She did so willingly and with smiles. I told her about you Dr. C and plugged your channel as a mind saver, too. Happy Boxing Day. From Iowa, a fan from the beginning. 💚


The U.S navy on friday announced that the uss Milwaukee is confined in cuba, as a covid outbreak is sweeping through its 100% vaccinated crew


I'm a first responder in NYC. Diagnosis are way up, but still zero 911 calls for it


In the US 🇺🇸 you can get hit by a bus, test positive in your autopsy, and be counted as a covid death...800k is very skewed


Hyper infectious but mild. This is our golden chance to exit the pandemic quickly and safely. A tough few weeks but then better times ahead.


Thank you for your very informative and FACTUAL talks. You would be the UK's Chief Medical Officer if the public had a vote...

I'm unvaccinated (not anti-vax, just chose to not have any as everyone has the right to a choice. Other family members have been vaccinated and we all respect each other's choices). I've also not been infected previously. From your recommendations, I had been taking Vitamin D tablets (4000iu) and zinc tablets (15mg) for the last 3-4 weeks, initially 2 vitamin D tablets for first 2 weeks to get levels up (8000iu total).

I got Omicron a few days before Christmas. Starts as the occasional sneeze (with no runny or blocked nose).
Day 1 after initial sneezing, I woke up during the early hours of the morning with hot sweats in bed and a bad headache. I took paracetamol every 4 hours and the headaches had gone by the afternoon. No fever/sweats other than during initial night's sleep. Would class it as quite annoying/moderate with initial onset, but after paracetamol kicked it and it died off - was very mild.
Day 2 - only a very slight headache, but had developed a slight dry cough - but when I coughed, it hurt my chest around the middle of where the ribs meet at the front, like you could feel your wind pipe hurting with each coughs. Only a few occasional coughs, but you could feel when you did... Again, paracetamol and plenty of drinks (I prefer cordial to water).
Day 3 - almost no symptoms at all. Woke up with a very dry throat, although not a typical dry throat, you could actually feel it dry all the way down main windpipe, when you breathe in through your nose, you could feel the dry breeze all the way down.
A slight occasional cough, but no hurting chest - but brought up small mucus spit that I'd spit into a sink and check for any blood. (After a hard cough I saw slight blood in one spit which did worry me, but wasn't in any other coughs - so I'd recommend not forcing a hard cough to try and bring anything up, just go easy on your body of it doesn't need to cough).
So day 3 felt like normal self with an occasional slight cough.
Day 4 - back to normal, but again with slight occasional cough - nothing major.

So overall, even though unvaccinated, I personally had mild symptoms overall. Although fever and headache initially, which then changed into a slight cough and painful chest, then normal cough - I would honestly say I have been more I'll with an average cold/fever at times.

I slept funny on my arm a few weeks ago, pinching a nerve, and that was 100 times worse than my COVID symptoms and pain, but I carried on working through both.

Hopefully this will be the beginning of the end of COVID, and people will stop listening to the mainstream media and listen to the genuine people like Dr John Campbell.

Coincidentally, I got a text from the NHS today which said; "GET BOOSTED NOW
Every adult needs a COVID-19 booster vaccine to protect against Omicron.
Get your COVID-19 vaccine or booster. See NHS website for details"

Whilst I'm not against vaccines, or people's choice to vaccines - I'm against the lies that are being used to 'imply' that it's the only way, which causes division amounts the population of the world - for vaccinated against unvaccinated, devoid of personal choice when the vaccine only actually helps the individual person's severity, so someone's choice should have no impact on anyone else - despite how the media play it.

I'd predict that the end of the pandemic and start of endemic would be around the end of February/start of March, but it will be seen as a triumph to the vaccines making Omicron milder, despite it being a natural progressive mutation of the virus (which thankfully mutated to be more transmissible and less severe).

This message started as just making people aware of my own experience as an unvaccinated but infected person with Omicron, but then went onto a bit of onsite into the media/vaccine policies.

I am pro-vaccine. I am not anti-vax. Why I didn't choose the vaccine in this pandemic is due to making a personal choice that the risk and consequence of being ill from COVID for me was less than or equal to being ill from having the vaccine - which initially was 'sold' as being one injection, then 2, then 3, and now they've started with a 4th and talk of further ones every few months.

Look up the definition of a vaccine, and you'll realise that it's not a vaccine, just a reduction of symptom severity that doesn't stop infection or transmission.

I wish everyone well, and hopefully the world will finally see an end the pandemic shortly and the scaremongering of the mainstream media.
Happy New Year everyone!


I wish I had found this channel sooner. I've only seen it around a week now and this type of breakdown is way more helpful than anything I've gotten in the US so far.


To put my cards on the table, I'm a regular viewer and truly enjoy your analysis. I seriously appreciate the measured tone in which things are presented. Being in the US, I guess you could call me unvaccinated (like everyone seems to do if you haven't had the vaccine) but I'm NOT untouched by it having been seriously exposed to it through my wife back in Jan 2020 at a time most people in the US had no earthly idea what this was.

Did I get it and was asymptomatic? There were no antibody tests at the time. When the T-cell test came out, I was past the born on date for that, too (I took it anyway, paid for out of my own pocket, and it was inconclusive). I worked in Retail as a "Essential Employee" where my day job required conversing with the public over 40 hrs/week wearing a "face panty." My doctor's comment at my last physical (I'm almost 70) was if I hadn't had "the plague" by then, I wasn't going to (aka go symptomatic for it). Where I live has been a National hot spot several times over the last couple of years. Throw in I have 6 grandchildren which I refer to as walking Petri dishes. People talk like I'm a dead man walking. I don't think I am and I wish commentary would be very, very clear on the term "unvaccinated" because I can quantify at least 5 types of people who meet that qualification and not all of them are necessarily at risk (albeit some are). I'm not out in my rocking chair on the porch waiting for the big D to come take me.

I blanche at the use of raw numbers. Lots of people here die in automobile accidents. At last count (using Wikipedia for data here), just under 40k people died in the US in a year. Liberia had less than 2k. Way better? Not hardly. Here in the US, death by an auto accident averages around 12 per 100k. Liberia is just under 40 per 100k and is easily 3 times worse than the US (and I'm not saying "per 100k" doesn't have it's statistical issues as well). Just the same, Liberia is not a place you want to get into a vehicle unless you have no other choice. The US is way safer but a lot more people die that way than in Liberia.

My point is we have around around 330 million people here where the UK has around 67 million. 900k deaths (is that FROM Covid or with it?) is .27%. I'm not saying it's okay. I'm not saying Covid can't be a nasty, ugly, terrible virus. But, if you told me my chance of winning the lottery was 99.3% (ignoring age adjusted effects here), I'd take that bet every time. 900k (NYT says 820k) deaths "FROM" is a horrid number but it isn't the end of the world. The way people talk about this stuff I should just go out and put a bullet in my head and save myself from the misery.

So, please, for my sanity (and to stave off my irregular panic attacks), keep this data in proportion.

I have a choice to make. To steal the line from "Shawshank Redemption" we can either get busy living or get busy dying. I choose the former. If this stuff takes me down, then I'm going down on my terms, living what time I had left to the fullest possible. Death comes for us all at some point. For most of it, I have very little control of how it is dressed when it shows up.

Sorry for the length.
