(Dec 18, 2021) Omicron UK Symptoms

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(Dec 18, 2021) Omicron UK Symptoms

Let's review the symtpoms reported to confirmed COVID patients (outpatinet) to ZOE app.

#drbeen #koolbeens #COVID

This video is not intended to provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice; it also does not constitute provision of healthcare services. The content provided in this video is for informational and educational purposes only.
Please consult with a physician or healthcare professional regarding any medical or mental health related diagnosis or treatment. No information in this video should ever be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.
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In the UK we’ve been told we can only have 6 people over for Xmas, but 30 can attend a funeral. So I’m having a funeral for my pet turkey.


It's baffling how the two most important factors (how protective is natural immunity and how much of it is already present) in predicting where this thing is headed have been mostly ignored around the world. There was testing in India a while back and they reported having found a surprisingly high incidence of natural immunity. Earlier this year a statement from the UK also claimed a very high incidence there. In the U.S. the CDC claims that roughly 3 out of 4 Covid infections are not reported. Seems like most of the world has already been vaccinated or infected at this point. The only question is how protective is natural immunity - the answer to that seems obvious only because there is such hesitacy to test it and publish it. Inferred not via scientific data but via political obfuscation.


Dr Been, it is still early but all signs are pointing to good news - fewer hospitalizations& deaths, much less severe illness. I hope this proves to be true in the coming days & weeks.


So far 11 people i know have had it in SA including 3 people over 77 of whom one wasn't vaccinated. All recovered. Worst case so far was my 45 yo unvax cousin. Took her a week for her nausea, slight cough and sore throat to ease. None of these people needed oxygen.


I speak from personal experience that the symptoms are extremely mild. I'm actually proud of the way the South African Government is managing our fourth (Omicron) wave. No knee jerk panic with increased lockdowns etc, because hospitalizations remain low despite the explosion of infections ie the two seem to be completely de-coupled. Omicron was identified in the first half of November (ie 6 weeks ago), and began increasing exponentially at the end of November (3 weeks ago). Indications are that the incubation period as well as total disease cycle is shorter than the other variants, so it seems that if the hospitalisations and deaths are not skyrocketing 3 weeks after the infections did so, they will not do so at all. I don't know why Europe and the UK are so hysterical! The fact that the fearmongering and "booster mania" (which dismisses natural immunity) are being pushed so desperately, does seem to support a hidden agenda. South Africa is doing remarkably well at coping with Omicron with a LOW vaccination rate and a ZERO booster rate. Dr Rob Bedford, Gauteng, South Africa


I thought those were the symptoms for the common cold? Is this a scam?


Thanks for keeping your Kool while others are not! What a comfort to learn from you! 🙂


Hi, Dr. Been, I've been watching your show since the beginning of the Pandemic, and have been duly educated. Thank you so much ❤️💕❤️💙 for your intelligent scientific lectures. I have definitely learned a lot about this horrendous virus from you, and it's actions that have killed about 700, 000 Americans.
On the lighter side, I really appreciate your including Loofy and Kairy in your lectures. They're absolutely beautiful 😍❤️.
Also, I look forward to seeing more of your great paintings. You are a truly talented and brilliant doctor.


We really came to a point of closing down the entire planet for a common cold. Idiocracy has taken over


So how will this NOT end the pandemic? What is the argument?


I'n in Newcastle, NSW Australia, my son and his partner both got symptoms last Monday but they were different. My son had headache, runny nose, body aches and fatigue, he fully recovered in 3 days. His girlfriend had the same symptoms but also a terrible cough and was prescribed steroids by her GP, she is still sick. Both double vaccinated.

This is day 7 in isolation and yesterday I got symptoms, headache, body aches, no energy, scratchy throat, occasional cough or sneeze, no runny nose or congestion. I'm unvaccinated. I've been taking daily doses of VitD, C, Zinc, Quercetin, Iron, Magnesium and have since added NAC. I don't feel worse today, just the same as yesterday.

My son's girlfriend never gets any sunlight and their diet is pretty bad so I think that's why she's so sick.

I've increased my daily supplement doses to 10, 000iu of VitD, 5000mg of VitC, 50mg Zinc, 1500mg Quercetin, and there are added bioflavanoids in the C and Quercetin, plus VitA and B6 in the Zinc complex. So we'll see what happens.


Why has Dr Been NEVER made a video about nasal irrigation? ~ according to the meta analysis IT IS the silver bullet (with gargle and nose spray). Cheap, harmless, highly effective in early treatment and very likely to prevent infection and transmission.


One more great video, thank you again. I love how passionate and excited you get when demonstrating with your illustrations the various immune responses. 😁👍🏼


Here in South Africa I'm witnessing that Omicron might be spreading like wildfire, but people aren't really getting very sick, so I believe that the vast majority don't even realise they've got Omicron, so they're not testing or reporting. We only realised our two daughters actually had Omicron the previous week when my wife and I got sick and tested. If we didn't test, we would not have known... We were all fully recovered after just a couple of days. None of us have taken any Vaccines and I have many comorbidities. Only my wife and I took Ivermectin and the prescribed vitamins and cortisone from day 5. I skipped on the Azithromycin. We're all fine now. So just in my family there's 2 unreported cases, because we just didn't know at the time. I now realise my two builders also had it, but they too only went home for a day or two to recover, and never reported or tested. Why should they? It looked like normal flu after all.


I love watching you ✍🏻 draw!! Your art is fantastic and a great addition to your lectures💚❤️


Really appreciate your intelligence, and also love listening to you speak in general and your gorgeous accent. Best Christmas wishes from Cornwall England 🎄


there is only one topic that people should be aware of and that, s the effectiveness of ivermectin use in Japan once people realise that they have been lied to for close on 2 years now, then perhaps the whole fear and control narrative will collapse and the evil perpetrators will be held to account by grieving relatives ( with no mercy )


I would trust 750 laypeople over the news industry these days


I'm in South Africa so I don't use Zoe app but I especially like watching Tim Spectre on the Zoe YouTube channel. He discusses the data and is very informative.


i am from UK not vaccinated but adhered to strict social distancing wearing mask and frequent hand washing
