MESHUGGAH - Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion (Official Music Video) | REACTION

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African girl Listening to MESHUGGAH - Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion (Official Music Video)

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Your instant reaction to the drop was the face that the singer does often in videos and shows... The perfect reaction to this filthy scary doomsday nightmare of a song.


This and "Demiurge" are my favorite Meshuggah songs. The title of the song is part of a quote from a Church of England cleric named Jeremy Taylor: Revenge... is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion.
Basically saying that those who seek out revenge will have greater violence inflicted upon themself.


Jens' vocals here makes me get out of breath!!! It's so raw and powerful, hits harder than the instruments!!!


🤘F** yeah Fay! This is a harder than most song to get into of theirs, in my opinion. It grows on you after a while. I also prefer the lyric video with the album artwork in the background.
Tremors, reverberating
Frequency of doom
How strongly the violent thoughts of vengeance echo
Setting in motion the strings of hate


This is the soundtrack to our hostility
To our mailcious intent
To the pointless grudge forever held
The callow dream, the dismal wish to harm

Animate now
The twisted sounds
Of our disdain
Our rage
The notations
To our contempt
To unforgiveness and loathing

A sonic declaration of spite
And resentment
Its resonance grinding to dust our souls
The twine of revenge tightly strung

Its subharmonics
The undoing of all
So enticing
The retaliation
Chords of man
The all-deafening
Oscillation of the damned

Let forth the hateful
The murderous
Let their malignant prayers resound
The reverbant
Odious request
The wish of death abound

So enticing
The retalitation - chords of man
The all-deafening
Oscillation of the damned


I loved your reaction. Loved it. Most people in America associate death metal with Satan and you saying it is a ritual being in touch with yourself really brightened my night. That is how I feel. Right now my favorite song is Hostage by Chelsea Grin. It is a deathcore song. It is similar to this song and has a music video. I've felt like a hostage so that is why I love the song. Meshuggah is great by the way. You are beautiful, too.


eye usually hate it when an advert interrupts a tune, but this is so fucking intense i was almost glad for the air. you are right, a lot of their tunes are more like rituals, and their concerts are similar.


Loved your reaction, seemed like you really felt the groove!


I think the song title came from a metaphor where revenge is like pushing a boulder up a hill, using the "sinews" for motion. But once you slipped, it rolls over you and break your bones.

The song is about vengeance. No matter how fulfilling revenge can be, it is never worth it.


Yes!!!! Nice to see some Hardcore! Side note: The word "meshuggah" means "crazy" in the Yiddish language.


The timing is amazing but his voice has got to go.


How could you listen to this music with pauses? You've broke it! Dislike((


The song name should be "The heaviest chugs ever". lol
