The Art of Caring Less (Taoism)

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Life is full of challenges that can often make us feel overwhelmed and stressed. Despite our best efforts to cope, we sometimes find ourselves stuck in a cycle of suffering and discontent.
Pain and suffering are inevitable aspects of the human experience. They influence our actions, shape our perspectives, and can even define our identity.
But what if the key to a more peaceful life lies in the paradoxical idea of caring less, rather than constantly striving for control?
Taoism, the ancient Chinese philosophy offers a different lens through which we can view life's challenges. Rooted in principles like balance, naturalness, and simplicity. Taoism encourages us to care less about the outcomes and start living in harmony with the natural world.
In this video, we’ll explore the teachings of Taoism, and how its principles can guide us in managing life's ups and downs more gracefully.

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What You Seek to Control, Controls You | The Paradox of Control (Buddhism)

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We Worry About Problems We Don’t Even Have (Stoicism)

#personalgrowth #taoism #mindfulness
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It’s pronounced
“Dowism” even though it starts with a Taoism. I think everyone including me who is Self Taught does that. Seems logical to me. Even Alan Watts pronounced Gnostic with a Guhnostic 🎉


I love simple living and everyone around me makes me feel guilty that I’m not overly emotional/ always stressing/ always wanting more/ materialistic. Eastern Philosophy makes me realize I’m normal, just not in an American sense😄


Flow with life . No resistance just allow things to be as they appear in the moment. 🙏


I became a Spiritualist in 1972 at age 16. I studied Taoism in the early 80's and became aware that many of my beliefs were parallel with Taoism. We have more power over our Spiritual and psychological aspect of our lives than many realize.


I don't know if this will help anyone but I recently had an incident where someone lied and stated that I injured them. They got a ambulance chaser lawyer and have put in a complaint with the insurance company that they are injured even after they told the police they have no injury. The insurance company defending me, cancelled my insurance, the stress put me in the hospital for a few days and for over four months I went through hell.

I fought to try and find a way out of my mind's endless suffering. I wanted things to be different, but you can't change those things out of your power. You can't do it. That's where the suffering comes from. Only focus on what you can control. Your emotions.


I was a bit of a mess in the 90s. I’d had a crazy bad drunk father and idiot mother growing up, but I was very gifted at school. Sounds like I survived and made it out, but no. Memories, visions, terrible things. Of course I turn to alcohol and drugs which sounds bad but wasn’t, it was fantastic. Anyway during those ups and downs a female friend gave me a birthday gift, a book- The Tao of Pooh. Sounds stupid and I thought so too. It was a book that used Winnie the Pooh to explain Taoism. I thought it was silly, until I started to read. It beautifully explained that one should not swim against the tide, but ride the river.


To a mind that is still, the universe surrenders


This is by far the most helpful video I have seen in a long time. Thank you.


it is true! i notice at least in my experience of life, that for some reason the principle is taking hold of my experience more and more often. In the middle of work (i work as a management consultant) with all its politics and power dynamics and full calendars, i catch myself being stressed also and a tendency to react to Honestly Help with the mess, and then also, an awareness, which is probably the Self or Universal Consciousness, shows up and hints me to let go, to trust there is a higher knowledge and that at moments there is nothing I can do physically or psychologically, that i just need to trust that there is a time to do just observe the situation and do nothing about it. I notice how that is coming on more and more, I am glad. That being said, it is not so easy, there are patterns of guilt or fear that come up also, because in our society we are so programmed about Fixing the Situation, and we forget that the Situation is teaching us how to learn to be a new type of human being


Once we have children, we have to start caring about outcomes. Outcomes have consequences. For single people, we can choose to absorb whatever hardship comes our way without concern thru philosophy. Most people worry & care because they have responsibilities that must be fulfilled. The mortgage is the biggest. Those that choose a debt free life have fewer comforts, but fewer cares & a lot less worry.


When looking at the statistics over the last 100 years, our resting heart rate has gone from, average, 5 breaths per minute to 12-15 breaths per minute. Our Hurry Culture has certainly effected Us. 🔥❤️


Can’t believe how slept on your channel is. Works of art man. Keep it up


That's what I need, honestly. When I have an exam, I study hard for it, but the moment I focus on the results, I feel stressed.


Most material goods are made for comfortable living. If you have exams study early not day/night before. Don't make stressful situations.


I agree with some of this but not all of it. There are some times when you must care. You must push yourself. I agree these instances are more rare than most people think though.


Perfect. I am well in my way to embodying everything you’ve mentioned, but it takes time and effort. However, the benefits outweigh any negatives.


Simply watching that short video has made ne feel lighter 🪶


Thank you for this great content..and also for using (what sounds to be) a real human voice. So many videos these days use AI voices which mispronounce words have a soulless delivery. I enjoyed this video very much!


Phew the ending is SO FREAKING POWERFUL!


Lao Tsu says that life is not a battle, a sequence of challanges. Let things flow.
