The Art of Caring Less - The Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza

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In this video, we explore the life and philosophy of one of the most consequential thinkers of the early modern period, Baruch Spinoza.

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"while ruled by emotion one can chose the wrong path while still knowing the right path." Wisdom.


" The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free " -- Baruch Spinoza


He changed the world by explaining that nothing can change the world...


“I discovered for myself and by myself that there is no self to realize - - that’s the realization I am talking about. It comes as a shattering blow. It hits you like a thunderbolt.”
- U.G. Krishnamurti


This is it. THIS is what I've been looking for. I knew I wasn't alone, I just couldn't find what it was that described these feelings and thoughts. Thank you so much POW, I have been watching your content for years and today, this video, has made me feel seen and heard for the first time in years.


I am going through a lot of emotional turmoil but thank you this video helped me put it a bit more into perspective thank you your videos always help me when I’m at my lowest points


i love how pursuit of wonder is always able to create education in a form of art encapsulating the exact nuances to create a beautiful video.


If anyone is interested in more modern writings that are very similar (but much easier to read), Michael Singer is awesome. "The Untethered Soul" was a great modern reminder of some of the wonderful things that I had learned in my philosophical studies.


It is definitely crucial to not be concerned by nonsense. However, there is such a fine line between being concerned ENOUGH to keep trouble and problems at bay, and being carefree enough to really enjoy that time that you are out of trouble and NOT having to deal with B.S. problems. Simplifying your life is the best way to achieve a happy and less worrying life.


Spinoza’s theorem is undoubtedly an exquisite example of idealistic nirvana. Sadly, none of us has ever been able to overcome the ultimate, and most important choice in life, that we can, or could ever make, with regard to the path our lives could take. That being, which vagina we get to crawl out of, as our introduction to life. Ultimately, little else matters. The notion of “free will”, is most generally attributed to, and by, the most fortunate. Very few wealthy people regard themselves as “fortunate”, let alone “lucky”. Unfortunately for most of us, and fortunately for the “well born” minority, life is, to a large extent, predetermined. Of course, there will always be outliers, in both directions. And of course, there will always be those ‘worse off’ than most of us. But is that enough to aspire to? Knowing that there are others, even more desperate, should be a cause for shame. Not a cause for comfort.


Spinoza was the philosopher that I resonated with the most when I was in college over 20yrs ago. Later when I came to realize that spinoza’s God and the eastern Taoism is very similar. He contextualized it with western rationalism where Lao Tzu did so with with eastern thought but conceptually I found it almost identical.


The way such intricate thoughts are articulated in these videos blows my mind every time.. This is truly an exceptional learning experience that leaves the mind and heart numb yet peaceful... Thank you.


Spinoza's work shines brightest when he touches on the emotions. It's a masterpiece!


Freedom is learning to stop thinking and simply experience. Thought is what chains us (and Spinoza).


"The power of Knowledge will extend itself from you who are receiving Knowledge... As you continue to develop and apply yourself, the power of Knowledge will become stronger and stronger... It will influence all. That is why you must learn to be very discerning in relationships, for as you progress as a student of Knowledge, your influence over others will be greater. You must not use this influence for selfish purposes, or your activities will be destructive to you and to others... If you are ambitious with Knowledge, you will pose very great risks to yourself and to other people, for wisdom, compassion, restraint and self-control must accompany the development of Knowledge. If you attempt to use Knowledge for your own selfish gains or for what you think the world needs, you will lead yourself astray and Knowledge will not accompany you. Accept this restraint and development that are called for now... They will guarantee the wholeness and worthiness of your contributions..." (Marshall Vian Summers, Steps to Knowledge) Becoming aware of our place in the greater whole (Spinoza's reference to understanding) both constrains us and frees us to do what we must do to contribute to a world that needs our unique gifts.


This is exactly what I've always believed, but struggled to articulate


Totally agree.
Knowledge goes to understanding for those who're worthy of themselves.
Understanding is faith that's no longer blind (or deaf).

In the dream of life, all is illusory.
There is no causality, but only us.
All is one and it's you.
Understanding is what we're here for... or not.
At any rate, the Source knows It can't fail because all exists by Its own nature.
The unified field is the Mind Itself.

What's understood in the future is also understood in the past.
Everything is here in us and reflected "outside" of us.


One of the best channels on different philosophies! An absolute gem!


Simplicity to being peaceful and individually useful


Thank you for putting the criticism of his ideas too. It is important to know blind spots of any work
