CSS Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial | 11 Hours

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This CSS Full Course for Beginners is an all-in-one beginner tutorial and
complete course full of over 11 hours of CSS code and instruction to level
up your web development skills. This course teaches CSS3. Think of this CSS full course tutorial as a CSS3 video textbook with 24 clearly defined chapters.

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❗ During the tutorial I mention several resources to be provided "in the description below" including links to source code for the various chapters. I have put all of these resource links in one GitHub repository.

CSS Full Course for Beginners:

(0:00:00) Intro
(0:00:41) Chapter 1: Start Here
(0:14:23) Chapter 2: Selectors
(0:34:14) Chapter 3: Colors
(0:50:46) Chapter 4: Units & Sizes
(1:11:29) Chapter 5: Box Model
(1:36:41) Chapter 6: Typography
(2:00:02) Chapter 7: Styling Links
(2:16:10) Chapter 8: List Styles
(2:32:04) Chapter 9: Mini Project
(2:44:37) Chapter 10: Display
(2:59:54) Chapter 11: Floats
(3:12:19) Chapter 12: Columns
(3:34:03) Chapter 13: Position
(3:57:26) Chapter 14: Flexbox
(4:21:12) Chapter 15: Grid Layout
(4:46:06) Chapter 16: Images
(5:32:13) Chapter 17: Media Queries
(5:58:32) Chapter 18: Card Project
(6:32:54) Chapter 19: Pseudo
(6:52:29) Chapter 20: Variables
(7:20:01) Chapter 21: Functions
(7:49:38) Chapter 22: Animations
(8:37:06) Chapter 23: Organization
(8:56:56) Chapter 24: Final Project

Was this CSS full course with 11 hours of instruction helpful? If so, please share. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

#css #full #course
Рекомендации по теме

raise hand if you're coming from Dave's HTML tutorial!! just got over with Little Taco Shop project. Thank you Dave for your precious contribution to YT community. I've been telling this to all my developer friends


I am all smiling as I am nearing the end of the course. Just thinking that I can design my own little website without any prior coding knowledge. Thank you so much for the immense hard work that you put into making this video. It's not that easy to set the order of such a massive lecture properly so that beginners can understand it. People like you make the world a better place to live in. 🙂


Dave grey is the definition of genius. I've included him in the list of people that I would like to meet someday and thank him for his impact in my tech career. You're loved, Dave, thanks for this.


Dave, I've been spending 2-3 hours a day for the past month working through your HTML and CSS courses and I am so excited to know that by the time I go back to work in the new year I will have learned an entirely new skill set! I was unexpectedly laid off from my job a few weeks ago and I swore to my family I'd never find myself in this position again without a Plan B for the rest of our lives. I'm super stoked knowing I will be able to continue to build on my skills for years to come and one day maybe even make a complete transition from my current career path to one in coding.


I can't even dare to guess how much time you must've given into makin this course.. It's an absolute masterpiece. You explain everything, and since I've watched your HTML course, I am kinda used to way you explain things. I love this. I just crossed the half of course, and can't wait to finish it.
Love from Czech Republic ♥


You are a great teacher, Sir. A great salute from


@Dave Gray I have purchased a css course on udemy but this 11 hours of beautiful and honest effort is incomparable to that. I am really thankful to you Dave for sharing your knowledge with us for free. Keep up the good work please. One of your very early subscribers ❤️


I've been following your tutorials and man, you're the GOAT 🙌

Never rushing the explanations. Clear and concise. Got me feeling like a genius for finally understanding some principles


Finished my Little Taco Shop website from your lesson last week as part of learning the foundations of HTML, and as I move on to CSS I'm so thankful to find this uploaded! I love the way you teach and present info Dave, I'm happy to have found your channel and to know there's still tons of lessons out there as I progress beyond CSS as well!


I have been watching a lot of tutorials for months and no one could teach me as clear as you did. You are a great man Dave!


Few people inspired me to do more, and you're definitely one of them,

I just discovered the channel 3-5 days back and did complete this CSS, since i want to wrap some left outs in CSS and this course more than served the purpose .

Thankyou for saving me plenty of time instead of searching the same content multiple places !


This wonderful CSS course makes me feel like almost understood the pro CSS for a lot of years of 😀knowledge. thank you🧠


I think you are the most precise, dedicated, professional teacher concerning programming, in the whole youtube.I struggled to learn css html and js/react through Coursera (not a bad course though), but you are on a different level. Simply, fantastic teacher (and great human being, I guess). thank you so much mr. Dave Gray.


I’ve met other Developers. And Saying you’re the best in your field is an understatement. I’ll ensure to enroll in all your courses and recommendations because it can be nothing short of the Best. And I’ll ‘continue striving for progress over perfection’ 😊 . Thanks Dave Gray. With you my Hope is more than renewed.


I finished your HTML tutorial and I learned 80 percent of HTML from you, now I am also learning CSS from you and so far everything is so gooood thank you ♥♥


This is Amazing, Dave!

I followed your 4hrs HTML course, I think it's best I follow this too.


whoa! This is so awesome!! I'm still doing the CSS intro video series on your channel. I can't wait till i get to this! I just completed the typography video! Thank you Dave, you rule!


Dave I really wanna thank you for this content. I've been self-learning web development for just a little over a month now and so far with just your HTML course done and being halfway through this one, your videos have reinforced so much of what I already knew, stuff I had forgotten, and taught me many new things as well. I'm so excited to complete all your courses! Your content is so much more helpful than a lot of what I've found on YT. You deserve so may more likes and subscribers.


My Journey

Chapter 1: Start Here (June 2023)
Chapter 2: Selectors (June 2023)
Chapter 3: Colors (June 2023)
Chapter 4: Units & Sizes (June 2023)
Chapter 5: Box Model (June 2023)
Chapter 6: Typography (6 July, 2023)
Chapter 7: Styling Links (8 July, 2023)
Chapter 8: List Styles (9 July, 2023)
Chapter 9: Mini Project (10 July, 2023)
Chapter 10: Display (16 July, 2023)
Chapter 11: Floats (16 July, 2023)
Chapter 12: Columns (28 July, 2023)
Chapter 13: Position (28 July, 2023)
Chapter 14: Flexbox (28 July, 2023)
Chapter 15: Grid Layout (28 July, 2023)
Chapter 16: Images (29 July, 2023)
Chapter 17: Media Queries (31 July, 2023)
Chapter 18: Card Project (31 July, 2023)
Chapter 19: Pseudo (31 July, 2023)
Chapter 20: Variables (2 August, 2023)
Chapter 21: Functions (2 August, 2023)
Chapter 22: Animations (2 August, 2023)
Chapter 23: Final Project (5 August, 2023)

Hello from Thailand Dave Gray,

Somehow, I managed to learn your course very slowly because I am too lazy, haha. However, I have now finished your course and it is very informative and excellent for beginners. I learned a lot of shortcut keys from you, and it makes me write code a lot more faster. Thank you, Dave Gray, for providing such a great course!

Tomorrow, I will start learning your JavaScript course and I will try my best.


Three days ago I saw your video about html and I learned so many things It was so useful for me and after that I was looking for css Tutorial and now one day ago I see your video, for the last I wanna thank for what you're doing!
