Why are we starting this Video Series? Pinnacle Works

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Hey hi everybody this is Nidhi from Pinnacle Works. This is first in my series of video productions where what I really want to share with you is all about recognition and merchandise which is what I have been doing for the past 18 years.

My hope is that if you are making a decision regarding buying merchandise or selecting the right recognition products for your company or deciding how to use recognition or is it a right way or not the right way then these video series hopefully you should find a lot of value in it.

Like I mentioned I've been in the industry for more than 18 years I've learnt a lot. I'm not I may not be a technical person who has an engineering degree or a HR degree but I have learned a lot being on the ground serving more than 1,300 customers starting a small business which was just 300 square feet - to now we have offices in four cities and really me really I'm really humbled by the fact about how customers give us so much of the business and Trust .

And now whatever I have learnt I have learnt in the past eighteen years I would like to share back share it with you so that you can make a more informed decision.

Thank you so much for being here and look forward to hear from you again one more one last thing if you have any feedback any question please do reach out to me because I'm here to share Thank you.

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