WHEN RABBITS ATTACK! Rabbit honking, grunting, and charging!

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Pigpoke wanted to make a when rabbits attack video! The rabbit did rabbit honking, rabbit grunting, rabbit charging, and rabbit attacking, all in one! It looks like Pigpoke is a territorial rabbit or an angry rabbit, but really he's just playing his favorite game!

We call this game "Spider Hands!" The rabbit likes it, doing rabbit jumps and rabbit spins in the air whenever a spider hand approaches. He also does rabbit binkies and rabbit zoomies when he gets excited, and maybe a rabbit 500 where he runs around the room lightning fast! When the bunny needs a break, he retreats to his cage or allows himself to be pet. Then, when the rabbit is rested and ready for more, he jumps out or stands up and attacks again!

The tiny pet bunny rabbit's name is Pigpoke. The rabbit gets very excited for bedtime because he likes running up the stairs and eating a glorious treat and playing games! Pigpoke rabbit loves running up the stairs, binkying around his room, running in a circle, and eating his treat. The rabbit loves making rabbit running up the stairs videos and rabbit eating videos!

Thanks for checking out Pipkin Rabbit, Pigpoke Rabbit, and our rabbit channel. We hope you think he is the cutest rabbit ever, because he really enjoys making videos - ASMR videos in particular! Pipkin is a free range rabbit / free roam rabbit and we all enjoy making cute rabbit videos. If you'd like to see more cute rabbit videos, please watch some of our other work!

Other stuff we’re doing!
Please let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions!
Thank you!! :D

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"It is a happy talent to know how to play."
- Pipkin, and some other famous person, probably
Thanks so much for watching, friends! We hope you have a great weekend - do you have any plans!? :D


That is clearly horseplay! His body language isn't hostile or threatened, it's so lovely to see! Made my heart sing! Some of my buns do this to me, but never bite me or claw me. It's mainly territorial! Or over food or other bunny smells. Very entertaining! 🐰😍


The little spinning hop he does is the most adorable act of aggression I've ever seen displayed by any animal. That is one spicy bun, even at his sweetest.

(Edit: I just realized the sign in his cage, pure perfection.)


You can tell by his binkies he's enjoying the game 😄 So wonderful to see how happy he is!! 😍💗🐰💗🐰💗


Pigpoke is still very young and very playful. He would prefer to be a goalkeeper in a soccer game.


That little hop-flip-combo at 0:54 was especially adorable 😝🥰


As Pigpoke's attorney, I must warn you that such "shenanigans" may lead to a lawsuit for maintaining a hostile workplace.


You know I'm grumpy until I've had my morning carrot!


Oh yes!! The flying honky growl... complete with ears back, tail straight up emitting the skunk repellant!!
No, not my sweet little Cupcake....oh yeah!
(She is a complete cat so we buy the cat wands and she loves 'playing' bunny vs humans) We don't play her too long because it gets their nervous systems too overwhelmed but at 7 years old she is as fiesty as ever and we have to engage her a bit because she is so stinkin smart and bores easily of domestic life....who knew!) 🐇


Pigpoke is so cute, you can tell he doesn’t want to hurt you, he loves you. ❤️ He’s a good boy! I hope you gave him big rewards when you were done.


Before the omg your bugging the rabbit people come I’d like you to read this. My rabbit does the same thing. Not always grunting and charging means they are mad or in defensive mode. It’s a form of play. I play a game called “Diggies” in which I put my hand near my rabbit when he digs and I dig too. He then grunts and tries to lightly nip me in a playful way. Usually it’s followed by a big binky or two. PigPoke has the same type of play. It’s called getting to know your rabbit. It’s fun play. You can also see the binkies and honks he is doing after displaying that he is happy playing like this. Again my rabbit does this. Rabbits will make another sound if they are stressed and bothered and in some cases this doesn’t happen because it’s play time!


First time I found signboard in the cage useful, 'beware of attack rabbit'


I don’t know why but when rabbit gets mad they are still the cutest shit ever 😂😂💕


Pigpoke: I'm just trying to eat and this clown won't leave me alone


🤔 I can’t tell if the rabbit is genuinely enjoying his company or not, because ‘grunting’ is usually a bad sign indicating annoyance and/or telling you to get lost.


That was the sweetest thing to see your husband playing with him he’s usually the photographer/videographer …
Pigpoke is just too cute here he’s having fun playing with daddy
Houston Tx


"sometimes we are the same, But like you humans, Have different colors and personality!"

-a wise pipkin


At the end, I thought the guy was going to let out a shriek, as if Pigpoke really attacked 😆😆

The playing was like a no-touch version of "rassling" with a dog.


Pigpoke seems very territorial as he eats but than he plays along aw so cutely. I don’t understand rabbit behavior as much as other animals ao I might be hecking wrong. How sweet he is I love him Pigpoke boy


Those grunts and hops are so funny! He's just trying to justify Pipkin's old attack rabbit sign.
