13 Sounds Rabbits Make and What They Mean

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I am not vet. Please contact a rabbit-savvy vet for any medical emergencies.
Always monitor your rabbits around new products or environmental changes.

#bunny #freeroamrabbit
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What is the most common sound your rabbit makes? Comment below!


I recently adopted a bunny who was badly neglected for about four years. The lady told me his name was bambam because he would constantly thump in the tiny dirty cage he'd been locked in. He did it exactly one time in the month that I've had him and it was when he was meeting my cat for the first time. His name is Bambino now and he's free roaming and finally fed and adored the way he deserves


My bunny screamed two years ago when she had a nightmare. My heart stopped beating almost immidiately and i didn't realize i was holding my breath until she woke up after few shakes. It was a totally traumatizing event for me. I got her at the age of 8 and now I'm 18. No matter how much i matured up, i just can't imagine life without her.. Just thinking about it makes me cry, and i know her time is nearing with each passing day... I don't know what I would do without her....


1. Thumping 1:17
2. Sneezing 1:53
3. Grunting 2:20
4. Snoring 2:51
5. Purring 3:23
6. Whimpering 4:02
7. Gulping 4:33
8. Growling 5:03
9. Screaming 5:36
10. Squeaking 6:17
11. Oinking 6:40
12. Teeth chattering 7:14
13. Clucking 7:48


"the reason rabbits are mostly silent is because they are prey animals"

Me: *looks over at my birds*


I often hear my bunny purring as Im petting her. I'm so pleased to now know that she's enjoying it when she purrs and I've heard her occasionally sneeze ❤🐰🐇


I don't have any bunnies but there are quite a few wild rabbits near my house. One time when my dad was mowing, he heard a scream. Turns out he had gotten dangerously close to a rabbit nest and the mama was screaming to warn her babies to run. The bunnies were all okay in the end. He decide to mow the lawn another day.


My rabbit squeals happily when I get home with presents and vegetables for her. She gets very excited. I think she is a dog in a rabbit's body, she even plays with toys 🥰❤


My rabbit just passed away 2 days ago, we had him for 7 years, sadly he passed away from an old age, I can't stop thinking of him and it make me feel sad that his friend was there to witness it, she keeps going by his cage everyday looking for him. I miss him. Your videos really do make me happy so I just wanna say keep up the great work, and thank you! ❤


When my bun first “Oinked” I was really scared I didn’t know what was going on! 😅She does it all the time now! She was sleeping and she “oinked” and purred! It was the cutest I have ever heard!


For Sophie, she is incredibly vocal. She gulps, she grunts at both her husbun and me when in no mood, once you put her down from a snuggle/groom if you count to 3 she will thump at you like clockwork, and occasionally she snores. My Lulu purrs the most and loves to thump the song of his people late at night. My Ozzy used to hop circles around me and honk and I miss that dearly.


Who else's heart broke when they heard that rabbit scream? Poor bun!


My bunny had such an attitude before she sadly passed. She’d honk and grunt at us any time we had to clean her litter box and she loved to attack the vacuum cleaner. There were several times where she’s been somewhere she wasn’t supposed to be and got pissed when we told her to leave.


There's also #14; Hissing. Rabbits also hiss, when being scared or getting ready to fight! Depending on the Rabbit of it's mood or behavior. 🐇


Thank you! My bunny was snoring at night and I thought she was whining or crying I’m very relieved it just means shes having a good rest. Hopefully no respiratory issues though.


I'm so glad I found this video, because my Ruby has been Oinking at me and I didn't know what it meant, I was so scared I was hurting her so I stopped handling her! Off to snuggle my bun now!


Lorelei: 8. Growls are rare unless your bunny really feels angry or stressed.
My needy boy: Why do you dare to go on your phone or switch while in my presence. This followed by him literally picking up my phone with his mouth, chucking it away then rubbing his head under my hand.

I wish I could tell you this was only a one-time occurance.

My other two hate being picked up, so when I have to they make quiet little squeeks like the babies in this video. It breaks my heart.


My gf does all these sounds. Thank you for this guide. It's helped me tremendously in our relationship ❤️


Our first family bunny was a rescue who honk/oinked around the clock. Followed by a friend added who purred. Both were very happy buns in their retirement/rescue life.


In 30 years of caring for rescue bunnies we have had one case of what I can only describe as a roar. Yes a roar. Bovver was an intact male (pure Netherland dwarf) happily grazing in a chicken mesh run in our backyard when a magpie (Australian magpie, I think the genus is Gymnorhynchus from memory) seemed to think he was some sort of gigantic mouse that required eating. The maggie swoops in towards Bov who suddenly launches himself into the air with this roar that you wouldn’t want to hear if you were out hunting. It was hilarious watching the bird suddenly start flying backwards. Whereupon Bov goes back to munching grass.

The most common sound is a form of grunt plus stamp as they vent frustration at the wife & I. Typically in response to “no you are NOT supposed to be on the dining room table eating a bowl of fruit” or “will you stop eating the door frames”

Regards from Oz 🇦🇺
