How to CHEAT to WIN Every Matchup - League of Legends

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How to CHEAT to WIN Every Matchup - League of Legends

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As an adc I feel like when the elo goes down, we are forced to be zoned away since your ranged support will not follow. I do punish when my support knows to but thats like one in twenty games


I dont think people realize how insane was the deft vs viper clip


How to cheat: hope your enemies are dumb


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the reason the Kaisa/Lulu kept backing off was that the Trist/Mao all in was stronger at level 2 and the K/L just wanted to farm under turret so T/M would not have any chances?
And if they did, wouldn't it make sense to fight in a minion wave twice the size of the enemy's once you start bouncing it back?

Contesting the level 2 against Trist and fighting for the push advantage kinda goes against what was said in previous videos against Tristana which was "just let the enemy push because Trist would always beat you and out trade with her combo"

And poking the maokai seems redundant due to how slow of a start both K/L are since Mao can freely leech with passive and throw Es to harass and lower its CD.


My random soloq support is scared of his own shadow in 7/10 games. How am I supposed to "not give my space", when I'm 1v2? It's up to him to show me that he's willing to fight, not other way around. I can ping as much as I want but I can't mind control his champion.


Thanks for the video :)
I usually watch and love skillcapped videos, but I must say this one didn't get to the real point IMO.
Most of the time, the reason why the players miss-positioned and "didn't react fast enough" was simply that they were NOT reacting to that opponent...

In bot lane, you are facing TWO opponents. Not one. That's why it's so easy to get caught trying to hit one of them (i.e the adc) when you're actually IN range and not Realize that that allowed your other opponent (the support) to approach you.
While the expert Kai'sa VS Xayah was a great example of tethering, most of the other miss-plays were not due to "not reacting fast enough" but rather reacting to other things altogether (which means, the problem was THREAT priority assessment and not slow reaction time).

I also would like to mention that walking back and forth in reaction to your opponent's movement isn't THAT linear in this game, because LOL's map is diagonal... There are "curves" that trick you and make your distance to the tower completely different whether you're closer to the river or closer to the lane bushes, even though you may think you have the same level of safety due to having walked to a paralel position in lane, if that makes sense.

Anyway, bot lane is just a killing fiesta due to way too many factors, and dmg overall in LOL should just be toned down.

Thanks a lot for the video anyway :)


Tip #1: Test your opponent. Tip #2: Watch your spacing. Tip #3: Walk back and forth to try and catch the enemy in a bad position.


I do that as yasuo in mid lane, when im supposed to back up i still go in then i back off for better trade


This is really useful keep the good work up ❤️❤️


The last example was super confusing. I thought you were finally gonna show as a ranged champion how to do it right, and then lux also fails. Why not teach the correct way?


I do this all the time with Lux, Vel'Koz, Seraphine. I step up mid HP, no mana, everything on cooldown, they run under tower. My ADC cries but they not mad about exclusivity of exp and farm as I move away from the exp myself so they aren't splitting and gain a level lead.


I faced an Ezreal/Maokai lane yesterday as Tristana/Twitch. Told my Twitch to take E, I'd take W, and we could Lv.1 him.

Twitch didn't buy items, sat around dragging saplings into me, and then abandoned the lane so I was 1v2 the rest of the game.

Yep. Pretty much the end of that game, lol.

However! In my next game I went Brand/Senna into a Darius/Karma. Realized Darius and Karma were dumping mana into the wave and I started baiting tons of skills. My Senna landed amazing roots and she turned when I turned and we just punished the hell out of the lane. Ended up leaving lane 8/0/6. Hard stomped that game.

Bonus: our Yasuo was feeding an Annie, realized it at 1/6, said, "Yeah I'm not the hero this game, I'll stop screwing you over Brand", and just switched to farming hard and trying to capitalize on Senna's and my Brand's lead. Was proud of him. 🙂


this is darius vs ranged matchup in a nutshell.
Mess up once and it's over


I stg one of these videos they be like


and it's just a list of scripting sites 😂


I know this sounds like bad advice, but a lot of players like to engage while I CS a wave. But if I allow myself to fall behind I actually have a better chance of winning by playing possum. Forcing just enough engage to force them to leave lane and me to return to base to get basic items to build up if my wave is pushing I steal some jungle while the jungle lanes building up for a later game wave clear at bot. Now I'm defending under turret ready to make a counter play . With the same CS. As I counter play I can punish a diver who thinks I can't counter a 1 vs 3 by using spacing stuns and slows .


Literally all of my games the enemy has the aggression & the power to back it up.
Maybe I'm always against a duo bot & they have good synergy/communication, but it seems like... unless I'm playing an engage/hook support (Rakan, Naut, Thresh, etc.) that holds engage, bluffing is just a myth.


This is the difference between my good and bad Braum games.


The real question is why Maokai started E


From the thumbnail, I was assuming you were gonna say playing Maokai


Wait so are we supposed to be punishing melee champions bluffing and walking up or are we supposed to be wary of them edging themselves into a kill distance? This video is kinda contradictory if you really think about it...
