This Weird Winter Storm Is Expanding, Ice Storm Warning, Huge Snow, 100mph Wind Gusts, and more…

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In this video we are updating the timing and #impacts you can expect from this #unusual #winter #storm. The NWS has expanded their winter #weather #watches and #warnings to include a massive chunk of the country. We’re gonna lay out all the latest details so you can be #informed.

#weather channel #ryanhall #ryanhallyall

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Southern Snow, Slush, & Severe Storms: 0:00
Southeast Ice Storm, Squall Line, and Backside Snow: 4:05
Mid Atlantic & Ohio Valley Mess: 9:10
Not Your Average Nor'easter: 11:25
Forecasted Snowfall Totals: 14:19
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Pikeville, KY 41501

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Please refer to your local National Weather Service office to get the most reliable and up to date weather information as possible.
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I have never seen a more friendly, intelligent and correct meteorologist. Thank you for what you do!


I teach a class of kids with autism. Two of them LOVE weather, so we watched your forecast yesterday. They were so excited!
I love having a weather channel that explains in terms my students can understand, and they were excited that Monday they'll get to play in the snow.


It makes me smile every time he goes right" at the beginning and leans forward. Am I the only one that loves that? LOL


You dear sweet weather explainer have blown your subscribership out of the water in a VERY short time. Congrats to you and you deserve it all for your expertise on weather AND your ability to put it on our level of understanding. Let’s face it, most of your followers are not meteorologists and understand very little of the weather language BUT you have a gift that so many of us “everyday weather” users have been searching for for many a day. I am so grateful for that gift of yours and appreciate all your expertise…and humor!!! Ryan, my absolute appreciation to your wife and little one for sharing you with us because we truly do need you as do they, not going unnoticed the sacrifice your family makes each time you spend time in prep and in taping your take on the storms as they come. God bless your family and keep up your wonderful vlogs!!!:):):)


Hey, y'all! My whole family goes by your forecasts now. They're accurate and... you're a whole lotta fun to watch. You make keeping up with the weather entertaining. You do us proud, fellow Kentuckian!


Dude. I sit around waiting patiently for these videos! Thank you for what you do!


Your tremendous work is deeply appreciated! Your knowledge is phenomenal and accurate. Thank you.


As a huge weather nerd and have wanted to be a meteorologist ever since I was 5 years old in 1994 this is by far the best weather channel on YouTube to ever be uploaded. Keep these awesome videos coming man


I'm from SW Wisconsin and this storm brushed us yesterday. We got 2" to 3" of snow and some pretty good winds. I saw the video of what was going to happen the day before, and it went down pretty much exactly like you predicted here. Good job Ryan!


Looking forward to the live coverage tomorrow. When ice forms, phone lines die. That stressful to elderly trying to stay shut in.
People should check on their elderly neighbors.
Thanks for your efforts.


Ryan, yours is the only weather forecasting I only listen to these days (and that is saying alot as I'm a big fan of Leland from Nashville Channel 5). My respect for you elevated during the tornado horrid in KY, you let me know beforehand so I could text my son. Thank you for your knowledge, transparency to keep us informed!


Thanks Ryan! You’re officially my new weather guy!We are about 20 minutes south of Charlotte so we’ve been watching your forecast closely! Thanks for all you do!!


Rochester, NY here. 6 degrees today and then warming up for the snowstorm on Monday. We had a major ice storm in '91 with people without power for weeks. If you are in the path of the ice storm, please prepare for it. You have no idea what may be in store for you. Thank you for all your hard work and excellent forecasting. I will be checking in with you tomorrow.


As someone that lives in the area around Nashville TN, it always amazes me how I-40 tends to be the line that separates the rain from the snow, the snow from the ice, the severe wind and storms from calmer rain and thunder.


Thank you for all you do, Ryan!! Your truly the best weatherman!!


This reminds me of that storm back in 2005. I was living in the midlands of SC and that ice storm was no joke! Beautiful but wow! What a mess!


5 dislikes? Must be the meteorologist that are getting embarrassed by Ryan's on point analysis


Amazing to see how fast your channel has grown since I discovered you during the big March 2021 tornado outbreak. 5x since then? Much like alternative media in podcasts, you're proving you can provide a better product than the current mainstream media


You have a great channel Ryan. I talked to my son this morning (NW Arkansas) and their weather is exactly what you predicted! 👍❤️


Keeping an eye on the "nowcasts" but relieved here in Nashville that things aren't going to be so crazy.. Thinking of those who are going to be in the thick of it... Ice ain't no joke! Y'all stay safe!
Appreciate ya, Ryan!
