You're Getting Polygamy Wrong

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It only takes one woman to make a man truly unhappy.


Is it ok to have study and prayer and share thoughts on what a person is getting from the scriptures? What if a person comes away with different linguistics from Jacob 2?

Do we discuss and share? Or can that person face reprisal by their leaders?

I've had several fellow members tell me they fear the "chilling effect" of talking out loud that the topic then becomes about the person and not the original topic.


“More babies per woman in monogamy”
I don’t know where you’re getting this, but even IF it’s true (which I doubt), you still get more overall babies in polygamy. Because there are more women!

A guy with 10 wives who have 10 kids each has way more “seed” than a guy with one wife who has 18 kids. But 18/woman is higher than 10/woman!! And??


Why didn't it work in the 19th century? It was a disaster. Plus, children need father's to be in their lives for them. But in polygamy, father's don't even know all their children very well and he's constantly dividing his time up with other women and families. It is horrible and always has been.


I'm proud of my Pioneer Family heritage, 2 sisters married to one man. One had nine the other 8. Followed the Prophet Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.


Jacob still doesn’t understand jacob2:30


Polygamy is hell. This guy does not understand Jacob 2:30 AT ALL. Take out the punctuation and then read it. God is warning men NOT to! " For if I will saith the Lord of Hosts raise up seed unto me I will command my people otherwise (or) they shall hearken unto these things. "
What things is he referring to? He spent the whole chapter warning against polygamy! " vs 27 "For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife and concubines he shall have none."
He is saying he will COMMAND the people to raise up (teach the gospel to) their seed OR they will hearken unto polygamy. He must COMMAND them to follow His laws.
Couldn't one interpret vs 27 as men can only have one wife but women aren't restricted to one husband? See how that works? God didn't have prophets record all of the OT, NT, BOM, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price condemning them for adultery and then suddenly contradict himself.


Jacob completely misunderstands Jacob 2 and that is understandable because we have all been taught the meaning, of this scripture erroneously. Here’s the scripture that absolutely does not endorse polygamy.

Jacob 2: 30 For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things.

Jacob would have us believe that “these things” refers to the virtue of monogamy that the Prophet Jacob was teaching the Nephites. He has it completely backwards. Where does it say in this verse that the Lord endorses polygamy? Nowhere! The Lord has always commanded his people to multiply and replenish the earth. So when the Lord says: otherwise they shall hearken unto “these things”, what are “these things” that the Lord is referring to? In the context of this very chapter, “these things” refer to the abomination of polygamy. So what the Lord is saying is that he will command his people to multiply and replenish the earth or they always seem to practice polygamy which always limits the number of children born.

Look at the use of “these things” or “things” in this chapter.

24 Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before me, saith the Lord.

“Thing” here referred to the abomination of polygamy, not monogamy.

23 But the word of God burdens me because of your grosser crimes. For behold, thus saith the Lord: This people begin to wax in iniquity; they understand not the scriptures, for they seek to excuse themselves in committing whoredoms, because of the things which were written concerning David, and Solomon his son.

“Things” here again referred to the abomination of polygamy as written concerning David and Solomon that the Prophet Jacob completely condemns. We too understand not this scripture and have twisted it to excuse ourselves in this wicked practice.

A thorough reading of the scripture in context teaches just the opposite of what our church since Brigham Young has taught.

30 For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things.

Now do you see how we have twisted this scripture, just like the Nephites started to do? Jacob 2 is a complete and thorough rebuke of polygamy. Read Hyrum Smith’s talk in conference in April 1844 where he used this scripture to try to rid this evil practice that was entering among the saints. He failed as he and His Brother were doing everything in their power to rid the saints of this abomination. They failed and were murdered and then the polygamy cabal took over the church.


"Before I sit down let me say, my friends, that those in this community who have married more wives than one have done so from pure motives. But some people cannot comprehend that. This generation is so corrupt and so licentious that some cannot understand how a man can marry one wife from pure motives."

- Charles W. Penrose, JD 22:96


The key phrase is "TO THE LORD"; not having seed.


So the "things" in the Book of Mormon called "wickedness", "filthiness", "crime", "whoredoms", "abominations" and the thing that is the source of "sorrow" and "mourning" among the daughters of God.

Buuut...Sorry daughters, gotta seed???
uhhh, That doesn't sound like Christ.


I guess I just take this from a different perspective. Heavenly father has asked many people throughout history to do things that I’m sure a lot of them truly did not understand or see the purpose in doing, but they did it anyways. Sometimes when were told to do things by Heavenly Father that the realization of the purpose of it may not come to fruition until generations down the road, that we will not get to see the fruits of that labor; just as many of our ancestors have. But everything that he asked us to do is for our own good, the good of generations, and for the good & the glory of the kingdom of God. He is the ever true and completely unchanging, loving Heavenly Father.

Why can we not as his children just trust him. To just have faith in him; even if we do not understand. Why does everything have to be an argument and a debate. Why does everything have to turn into children of God falling away from him because they don’t know the ins and outs and ups and downs of every microscopic decision that is ever made. Why can we not just walk by faith. Have we not already had personal experiences in our own lives where we have been prompted by the Holy Ghost to do something, not knowing at the time the reason why we’re told to do it. And then later on we find out the reason why.

I’m glad Jesus is going to be returning soon because we clearly all need a babysitter and we clearly all need to have someone holding our hands.


According to doctrine and covenants 42, verse 22, “thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shall cleave unto her and none else.”
Her, not them.


Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy


Heaven is not earth. Polygamy would be completely different. The things that make women difficult for men to deal with here (jealousy, materialism, narcissism, insecurity) won't exist up there.


Jacob 2 was very clear before Orson Pratt changed the punctuation and separated the sentences into verses. You should read the first edition and then tell me what he meant there. The Lord is clear what his commandments was and is to all of his righteous seed.


I don’t believe it, and I don’t know why men in the church talk this way, except to not tick off the wife.


Jacob, I’d like to see more on your idea that polygamy makes us more righteous. I get that sacrifice “brings forth the blessings of heaven, ” but I’ve also heard an awful lot of stories of families and women who were mistreated or neglected. What evidence do you have that polygamy results in increased righteousness on the whole?

Also, what evidence do you have that raising up literal seed isn’t a legitimate interpretation? Babies per woman isn’t a complete metric. If you have a severe gender imbalance that is irrelevant.


Polygamy is evil and destructive. Jacob said it's an abomination


Who’s heaven involves being replaceable? Sounds more like a hell to me. There is divinity in the balance of masculinity and feminity created in marriage. We can’t reach our highest potential in polygamy. It creates inequality even in the most righteous people. Research the lives of the pioneer lds polygamous women. Marriage is about becoming stronger together. We can’t do this when the husband can pick which wife he wants to spend time with. He can avoid problems and run to whichever wife is the most accommodating.
