Stacking the New Kemper Drive!

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HW discusses stacking the Kemper Drive to achieve something like one of those popular double overdrives! Since the Kemper Drive is so flexible you really can dial it in to have completely different voicings and feel like two different sides of a double drive pedal.

Need a Kemper? Check out the Tone Junkie Loaded Kemper available exclusively at British Audio!
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I would love to see you work with humbuckers and hotter tones in this area. As someone doing a 2 guitar cover band that does a lot of 70's and 80's rock, getting a lead tone to cut through with higher gain profiles is a challenge. especially since many clubs run mono systems with less than stellar PA quality.


The settings you dial in at 17:20 with the String Singer profiles are Mayer tone heaven.


I love stacking drives in the Kemper even with the older drives and I got the idea from you guys! There really is no other way to get a decent Sharp Dressed Man tone (Green plus Recto) or Eric Johnson (Green plus Muff) tone. It is really ace to get some really tasty sounds out of a few low to mid gain amps and Green also mixes with Top Boost nicely.


tried stacking the kemper drives last sunday. didn’t tunr out to well😬. amp sounded like an old telefone modem connecting to the internet and the the rig manager chrashed, several tims btw. but i will try it again, since i am a persistent bugger 😉😂


When will these drives be fully released??


I’m out of the loop. Are the drives part of a new system update? I didn’t see it on the keeper website
