Tim Pierce talks about the Karma ODR-10 vs Nobels ODR-1

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Tim Pierce @timpierceguitar shows the Karma ODR-10, a clone of one of his own Nobels ODR-1 pedals from the early 1990s. Tim encouraged me, over the course of a year, to make this pedal as a much less expensive alternative to the originals, selling now for $2,000 and more. After many tweaks and multiple prototypes, we both feel the Karma ODR-10 nails the sound and feel of his original. An added bonus: The Karma ODR-10 is true bypass where the originals were not. That brings a clarity and 2db increase in level when bypassed that's not there in the Nobels.
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Ordered this as soon as I was notified it was coming out! Can't wait to get it in my hands and hear it!!


I’ve been playing mine and it’s incredible. It’s so refreshing to have something new that sounds so good, and that can’t be replicated with one of my other OD’s. I’ve had a few the high end ODR1 clones and this one is in a different league.


I stumbled upon the original Nobels pedals by accident when they first came out in '93 - Before the Nashville crowd caught on. I own several, they all sound different (some fantastic) and they're all gonna' have issues at some point. Sooo looking forward to trying this one!


I had a silver Nobels ODR-1 from the 2000's and then suffered through a house fire and lost many things including that pedal. I was extremely disappointed to see how outrageous the things are pricing. I just want my pedal back.


Just got my pedal today, and wow. You guys didn’t just nail it, you may have surpassed it! I don’t remember my old Nobels sounding this good!This thing sounds incredible!

For anyone reading this and wanting details on my rig, here you go:

90% of the time I’m running a Super or a Pro Reverb, drip edge models and earlier (‘64-‘69). I can’t speak for any other amps, but with my Blackface/Drip Edge Silverface amps, this pedal stacks perfectly with the Karma MTN-10 (Ibanez Mostortion clone), because it has the 3-band EQ that allows me cut a little bass at higher gain levels. As you know, Tim, when you start to crank up Blackface Fenders, they get increasingly “woofy” and loose in the bottom end, but the MTN-10’s 3-band EQ can cut a little or all of the low end out, depending on where the part needs to sit in the mix.

I’m actually running the MTN in front of the ODR, which I thought would be the other way around, but the MTN is so great at the slight breakup tones, that I can take advantage of the ODRs gloriously fat overdrive to handle my mild to medium overdrive duties. Stacking them gets me to medium + gain levels, then I use a Crowther Hot Cake for the heavy/light fuzz distortion category. As a matter of fact, I use the MTN-10 to goose the Hot Cake also, and poke its insanely thick distortion tones through the mix as well!

That said, I haven’t found a bad tone in this thing. Even if I had to run the ODR-10 alone in a high gain situation, I could run the Bass on my amp at zero and achieve similarly great results. I can’t thank you and Greg enough for taking on these projects. These two pedals will never leave my board!


Mine just arrived and Wow, this pedal exceeded my expectations. I am VERY picky about ODs. I could not get on with the green side of the Protien, also inspired by the ODR-1, but there was ultimately a harshness I couldn’t get past. There is nothing harsh about the Karma ODR-10. It’s about as natural, and organic of a gain sound as I’ve ever experienced from an OD pedal. I got a great sound out of it immediately.


Just received the ODR-10 - from a store in Sweden - and, man, the transparency of this OD pedal is simply amazing! Raunchy if you want it and sweet as honey if that's your fancy. I'd already got a Noble Screamer and had decided beforehand that I'd keep my favorite... Well, A/B'ed with my Tele thru a Tone King Imperial amp the ODR-10 is just that much sweeter in the lower mids...so it's a keeper indeed!!


Got a couple pre ordered and eagerly waiting on


Love my ODR-10, it sounds way better than my mini ORD-1 and one with the bass cut. It really works great with the gain turned up into any amp. You really need to get one of these into Bukovac's hands and have Pete Thorn demo it!


Whats your thoughts on the new keeley noble screamer pedal? Combining odr1 and ts?


Hey Tim, what's the differences between the Karma MTN-10 and the Karma ODR-10?


Are there any karma pedals retailers in the EU?
