False Prophets are easily exposed, Torben Sondergaard Fails the test. TLR is False!

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Torben Sondergaard is currently in jail for reasons not yet explained. I tell you how to see what a false teacher is and how test them.
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If you're seeking to argue and not use the bible and logic, your comment will be deleted.

I will be making a part 2 where I go over several of the claims of followers of the man Torben and his false doctrine. Stay tuned, God bless.


As a complete neutral Christian bystander who loves Jesus: yes be a Berean but also be very careful propagating criticism and condemnation against God's servants without justification, plausible evidence or any real cause. To date, like Jesus I can see nothing this man has done wrong he appears completely innocent and all he is doing is being a kind, loving and good Evangelist of the Gospel. God's Word teaches Christians to "Go into all the World, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed and demonised". That's exactly what Jesus did. The Word also teaches us: "Judge not lest you be judged".


Healings in the Bible were, mostly, like miracles - instantaneous.
But healing can also be a process over time; incremental improvements.


I stopped listening at 4:10 as that was false. Jesus healed a blind man who still struggled to see looking at men like tres. That healing was not immediate


Torben loves the lord! He is solid! He's not NAR at all!


I’m excited when I see believers on fire for God. Torben loves Jesus more than his own life. Such a good example for us all


What is the idea of your criticism. Be careful brother. This type of judgment are not acceptable if we are Christ on earth.
Ask the Holy Spirit does the Holy Spirit ask you to do this video?
Your opinion or mone don't count .
God knows HIS Sheep
His sheep r confused His voice.

My question to you.
What is the point of attacking Others? Let God judge him, judge you and me.

God bless. And better read.more the Bible, pray more for others and ask the HSpitit.
God blessntou


He walked past my brother and sister while they prayed at one of his gatherings. Their eyes were closed and heads were bowed. They have felt the Holy Spirit before but nothing close to what they felt when Turben walked past them.

It is wrong how he is being treated. But if the cup was good enough for the master, it is good enough for his servants.


I don’t know about Sondergard, but I do know that this interfighting among Christian’s weakens all Christian’s.


I worked for him for 7 months in Denmark. That place was full of darkness, discomfort, confusion, terrible sickness (Norovirus several times), gossip, drama, even a few fires, and all kinds of sin.
The good things I experienced there had nothing to do with Torben or any of his teachings and classes.
Torben is an immature and deceived believer and he needs prayer. He is like a new learner driver who thinks he already has a license, but God has permitted this. He is absolutely not a shepard of the flock, but a blind man leading the blind, and he needs to grow up. He would receive no negative prophetic words from anyone.
Few have the eyes to see this truth.
I really like his family and some of the people who still work with him. They want to do what is right and I'm sure Torben does too, but they don't know how. They honestly believe they are doing what God wants. I pray they all wake up soon and get to know who God truly is.

So before you comment about him, work with him for a few months or years with OPEN eyes.


Spreading lies will end badly for the liar. In the end we will either be judged or saved. A born again and genuine believer would not be able to make such hateful videos towards another person even if he thinks he has done something wrong. He would pray for his salvation. Your videos show where you come from.


It’s very easy to call other people false.


I heard a testimony of a warlock who was delivered from the power of Satan through Torben’s TLR ministry, and is now serving Jesus with all his heart.

What are you doing to set people free


Torbent Sondergard is persecuted just like Jesus and Bruno Gröning. Please see the videos about Brüno Gröning you'll see the same story ....


Torben loves the Lord and people. He is legit. Stop accusing our brother in Christ. Thats the devil's job.


True these false believers teach Born again believers still can have demons so these People are never free its not bibically 😮


I have repeatedly asked TLR on their youtube page if Torben is back in Denmark with no response. It speaks for itself.


Mark 16:17-18
King James Version
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


Why are you calling someone a “false prophet” when they never claimed to be a prophet? Did you not know that a failed healing is biblical?- Mathew 17.
Do you see that you are acting a as a tool of Satan to sew seeds of division amongst the brotherhood when we are to be 1 in the spirit? Do you not see the fruit of his ministry? Or are you too focused on looking for the negative?

I pray you consider this comment and pray humbly and seek the spirit before responding.
May the LORD bless you with wisdom, discernment, love, and humility.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.””
‭‭John‬ ‭13‬:‭35‬ ‭


Bro, im in healing ministry, healing dont always comes instantly and some times people loose their healings because of spiritual warfare, just as people recived prayer for deliverance and maybe they sin again so they need more prayer or consulting and renewing the mind so by grace they don’t sin again with the same sin, it is the same with healing, Jesus and apóstoles saw it because they were walking in great faith and now in church we are learning to have that find of faith that is why we see today parcial healings just as parcial deliverances of people that we don’t see their life changes right away, it is the same as healing the body, it can take some more prayers just as you watched in torbern videos. For example, In your church when a new born again beliver comes and recived forgiveness of sins by faith in Jesus have you seen that brother sin again in the next months? Or maybe you see them struggling and doing the same sin again you say his salvation didnt work out? No, you say he is in spiritual warfare for deliverance and you pray for him again, this is the same spiritual principle in healing, some you pray and get healed but months later they don’t do the faith and praying thing and they get sick again
