Cornetto at Kensington Palace - Deleted Scene | Red, White & Royal Blue | Prime Video

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We present to you: the Cornetto scene. Happy one week since #RWRBMovie came home. For more Red, White & Royal Blue follow RWRB on Instagram and Twitter at @RWRBonPrime.

This is a deleted scene from Red, White & Royal Blue. As it did not make it into the final cut, it is not finished, mixed or fully color corrected. Enjoy this peak behind the curtain!

About Red, White & Royal Blue: Based on the New York Times bestseller, Red, White & Royal Blue centers around Alex, the president’s son, and Britain’s Prince Henry whose long-running feud threatens to drive a wedge in U.S./British relations. When the rivals are forced into a staged truce, their icy relationship begins to thaw and the friction between them sparks something deeper than they ever expected.

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Cornetto at Kensington Palace - Deleted Scene | Red, White & Royal Blue | Prime Video

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how did this NOT make it into the A) adorable! and B) make more sense why Henry asks Alex why he hates him so quickly in the closet


I’ve never seen anybody eat a Cornetto as barbarically as Taylor just did 😭


1:22 pretty much Henry face said "I can’t believe I'm in love with this guy" 😂

Love their acting, especially Nicholas, he really master the microexpression and always deliver an emotional scene briliantly 👍


I love the way Alex just takes a big bite of ice cream and proceeds to talk with his mouthful intentionally and with the sole purpose of getting under Henry's skin! How did this not make it into the movie?.


It shouldnt have been deleted. It fits the movie and fills few holes. Now it makes more sense why Henry asks Alex in the hospital why does he dislike him so much. And why Henry says Alex has a lot of opinions and shares them loudly.


I love how Henry looks like he's in physical pain everytime Alex acts all cute and funny 😂❤


The way Henry looks at Alex is almost too much to witness. I feel like I'm intruding on a very intimate moment. Nicholas does such an incredible job. His expression softens so subtly that you almost miss it. Literal perfection.


Henry was in love with Alex since the beginning of everything. You can see the look of love in his eyes whenever he's with Alex.


The subtle acting Nicholas does is actually so good. The way he looked at Alex’s mouth when he devoured that cornetto 😮‍💨😫


dying at price henry yuk, the use of the insta handle was perfect


How dare they deleted this scene? They act and build the chemistry so overwhelming in this ice cream scene. Release the 3 hour version soon please


I love the way they went from hating each other to literally melt for each other. The chemistry is out of this world. These are real talents, people. I am telling you.


1:13 These heart eyes of Henry to Alex when Alex doesn't look at him speak volume about how he has always fancied Alex for YEARS.


We need the Full 3-hours version, please !!!


This scene is so good, it could have added more fun to the movie and made alex and henry's relationship not so fast


The way that Henry stares at Alex initially was like "Oh my god I'm falling for him hard"

Then Henry was like "Oh my god why did I fall for him again? He's so insufferable and lacks manners!" when he watched Alex eat the cornetto and talking with his mouth full LMFAO


Alex is so infuriating. I love him to bits lmao. He's so good at annoying Henry but it's ridiculously endearing and cute. It's amazing how many emotions Henry went through after the post was sent. He went from disbelieving/incredulous, to soft and reluctantly/secretly fond, to pure disgust (watching Alex speak with a mouthful of icecream).


I love how Henry looks at Alex, so cute and for the first moment you can really see how Henry feels about Alex.


Loving this scene. We need more deleted scenes. I agree with most we need the 3 hour version. But I wish for more: behind the scenes making of the film, blooper reels, actors' commentary, and call me old fashion - would love a DVD/Blu ray of the film as I need something tangible


Please don't tease us with a minute of scenes.. Give us the 3 hours version. Oh they are so adorable and their chemistry.. C'mon give us the full version please.
