Docker vs Kubernetes, what's better in a Homelab?

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In this video, we dive deep into the world of containerization, discussing the pros and cons of Docker and Kubernetes for your Homelab setup. We'll explore the challenges of using Docker, why Kubernetes is popular in IT, and the complexities of Kubernetes in a Homelab environment. I'll also share some great apps that work well with Kubernetes and emphasize the learning aspect of using these technologies. #Docker #Kubernetes #Homelab

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00:00 - Introduction
01:54 - Advertisement-*
02:40 - Docker Pros and Cons
04:53 - Kubernetes Pros and Cons
06:00 - Where Kubernetes is bad
10:13 - Unique features of Kubernetes
12:54 - Conclusion

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Docker is the way way way easier, manageable and overall better solution for a homelab. This is why i run kubernetes in mine.


Great summary, very useful for people like me who have not yet worked with docker or kubernetes. Much appreciated!


In one word: both ! Very good question and nice discussion, thank you.


Wonderfully done video Christian. I've been reading up on Kubernetes in the last month or so and had thought that I'd port all of my applications to a kubernetes cluster some time this year, but after doing more research I started to realize just how deep the Kubernetes rabbit hole goes and started setting up things on Portainer instead about a week ago.

I remember seeing a video from another creator targeted at new home-labers that said "If you think you need Kubernetes you don't" that felt very condescending since it didn't explain why that was the case, thus I ended up researching it more. If I had seen your video back then instead, I'm sure I would have picked up Portainer instead and it would have saved me a lot of trouble - I'll be sure to mention your video if these conversations come up. Thanks!


I spent days trying to get a k8s cluster running, got there eventually, but never did manage to get it to recognise my ceph cluster for storage.

Eventually got up and running with Nomad, wouldn't say it was simple, but it made a lot more sense than Kubernetes, a lot less fragile moving parts and well documented. Has been running my DB's and web apps for weeks now, without a hiccup. Using Fabio for load balancing.


Excellent video as always mate . Cheers


Personally I still use Docker in Swarm mode with multiple master and worker nodes (total of 6 nodes). With Traefik as LB and Portainer for management. Also a HAProxy in front of it.

Also I use a K3s cluster, created with Techno Tim's ansible playbook. For a learning purpose.

As for now, I dont see a need to switch to the Kubernetes as Swarm does everything I need.


Team K8S - not because I need it, but wanted to learn it. Now it became my first choice when deploying containers.


Thanks Christian for the informal video. Keep up with the good work I like listening these videos while I'm at work


I bang my head against a wall for months over k3s but after I figure out the basics it was the most rewarding platform I ever used. I got everything automated to point I can start up my home services in minutes even if the house burns down. K3S makes managing my home services lot easier and makes it super easy to play with new projects


I've ran into this after migrating my old server to TrueNAS which pushes you towards Kubernetes, many things that I felt were easy to setup with Docker became much more complicated. TrueCharts has been really helpful with this though. I do believe that Kubernetes is overkill for my use case, since I don't see me ever needing more than 1 replica for anything.


Another pro for k8s in a Homelab: You learn it.
It's great that Christian made this point: If k8s is something you may come into contact with in your professional career, use it in your homelab.


I use OKD, which is also pain in the ass to install, config and work with, but it's more for learning and mastering purposes than real needs. It allowed me to apply to new jobs and make this my everyday work so even if it's not something 'wise' to use in a little homelab, it could be interesting for professional skills to learn and master it at home.
Now if you don't plan to work professionally with it, don't waste your time and hairs, docker swarm or docker is enough.


I would like to see a video on docker swarm with shared storage such as glusterfs for high availability for docker containers


Docker for my infrastructure services, 5-node Microk8s cluster for projects, and a single-node OpenShift cluster (work-related). I can do just about anything with this setup :)


Went with Docker Swarm for latest setup, get most the benefits without too much complexity. 👍


I kind of despise kubernetes because its too complex and unintuitive to manage on the side. I used it for two years for both home and work clusters, but after my initial enthusiasm, I concluded that the struggle wasn't worth it. I decided to switch to Docker Swarm (with glusterfs shared drives) two years ago, and I've been much happier with the simplicity of it all.


Using managed kubernetes (DigitalOcean) was very cool and actually simplified some things from my previous docker-compose setup, but for a homelab, there is no way I would want to deal with setting up a cluster from scratch in a homelab tbh. Docker-compose is more than enough for me.

This would probably be different if I had a server rack with multiple computers in it. But I don't. I have like 1 NAS and 1 server.


Ive been using docker swarm and it works well. It allows replicas and some HA features and can also be managed with portainer.

I tried k3s a couple of years ago and after fighting with it for a couple weeks finally realized its never going to work well in a home lab. Its designed for cloud providers that handle all the external stuff (networking, storage, LB) for you in their own proprietary way. There are solutions that kind of make it qork in a home lab but it's a constant struggle.


Interesting video, currently working on a comparison of swarm mode and kubernetes. But im doing it for buisness usecases only (we are using kubernetes in production, where i work).
Also maybe check out swarm mode, it is a far easier orchestrator, integrated in docker hosts, combinded with compose its a pretty good alternitive for smaller deployments.
Sory for my english, as Im a german native speaker.
