What Causes Crises: Marxist Economics Course - Mette Hermanson

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In the United States the policy maker's hands are tied. It is impossible to devise consistent policies that can at one and the same time handle the conflicting pressures on a capitalist economy: for example, the need to finance the military budget; to keep the money markets in shape to absorb the debts of federal, state, and local governments; to support the dollar abroad; to improve the balance of payments by attracting foreign investment and stimulating exports; to try to keep inflation in check; to see that the banks have enough money to rescue tottering corporations and banks; to keep the economy expanding at a rate sufficient enough to provide jobs for the labor force. The international environment poses other challenges curtailing the expansion of the US economy. The challenge for the working class at this juncture is in destroying the prevailing notion that the policy makers will produce prosperity for all classes. Sharp lines can be seen drawn in Trump's cabinet, that make the current situation an example of stabilizing their own interests first and workers second according to their assumptions of what workers need. Workers in the US have only one chance to protect their interests against this movement, which is to unite.


All were resisted I may add. Even advice given to me from friends and family to take out a second mortgage on my house (wanted to move off-grid) I resisted because after seeing the above videos on YouTube I knew what was coming.

For the queen to say, “why didn’t any one see this coming” she was just joking surely! She must have more financial advisors than I have had pay-days.

How do you see increased mechanisation affecting the availability of jobs?


Marx and Engels knew the fundamental problem in under capitalism was the private appropriation of the rental value of land. Socialists should have focused on solving "the land question" via taxation policy, rather than nationalization of land and industry. Public collection of the rent of land would prevent monopolies of all types from evolving. Capital would not become concentrated but be broadly owned. The result would be the universal capitalism championed by Mortimer J. Adler.


1100 views at 28/5/2013

Is there anybody


12:00 Stupid! Just moronic. This person has never spent 2 seconds to think "does what I'm saying make sense?". All businesses produce to fill all supply? That's what you're basing your critique of capitalism on? That is just stupid. Manufactures produce based on expected profit and market share. If one of the big auto manufactures produced enough cars to fill all the demand of cars in the market, they would be bankrupt in a quarter. Just stupid.


I think the ‘elephant in the room’. is that more and more intelligent machines are now taking over production (reaches down and removes shoe)

I think this will have profound impact on the social structure and the division of wealth. But most worryingly people (who need to work for their sanity and survival) will find they are time rich but money poor and this will (is) leading to social brake down at an ever-increasing rate.


Just from watching ‘Money as debt’ and ‘The money masters’ told me all I needed to know. (I did look deeper into it after seeing these vids)

I had been sent numerous credit card offers 2 –3 per week from about 2000 onwards, even my daughter at the age 14 was called up by her bank to see if she wanted a debit card for her account.


Has the consumer-based economy finally had its day (and the Globalists know this). Do we, as Peter Joseph and others suggest, move to a resource-based economy? Is it within our power even if we wanted to?

I applaud you in carrying on with the lights out!

Thanks for uploading, interesting lecture. Where was this held?
