Debugging with Multiple Threads (gdb, pthreads)

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Welcome! I post videos that help you learn to program and become a more confident software developer. I cover beginner-to-advanced systems topics ranging from network programming, threads, processes, operating systems, embedded systems and others. My goal is to help you get under-the-hood and better understand how computers work and how you can use them to become stronger students and more capable professional developers.

About me: I'm a computer scientist, electrical engineer, researcher, and teacher. I specialize in embedded systems, mobile computing, sensor networks, and the Internet of Things. I teach systems and networking courses at Clemson University, where I also lead the PERSIST research lab.

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Welcome! I post videos that help you learn to program and become a more confident software developer. I cover beginner-to-advanced systems topics ranging from network programming, threads, processes, operating systems, embedded systems and others. My goal is to help you get under-the-hood and better understand how computers work and how you can use them to become stronger students and more capable professional developers.

About me: I'm a computer scientist, electrical engineer, researcher, and teacher. I specialize in embedded systems, mobile computing, sensor networks, and the Internet of Things. I teach systems and networking courses at Clemson University, where I also lead the PERSIST research lab.

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Рекомендации по теме

I really like the format of these videos. It's naturally easier to get into as a viewer than a full 1h+ tutorial, but I'm still sometimes surprised how much content you manage to get across in 3-5min without me having to rewatch it.


man you are just awesome. I am struggling with my Operating System lab problems and now you have made it all easy.


This is a very amazing video, please keep such videos coming up.
The format is just amazing. Easier to get the idea.


Great production! Really appreciate the quality


This teacher is so amazing ❤️❤️ and so cool love from india


This video was really nice and informative .
It would be better if you explain what is Mutex, Semaphore, Deadlock, Race Conditions, Critical Section with a muti-threaded program in C++. How to debug muti-threaded program in a single video for Interview Preparation.


Excellent video on the subject matter of debugging. I see why my school used your video for our class. Thanks for sharing. One question...did you do this Ubutu?


thanks, it is very helpful, but what if you work with embedded linux and you don’t have gdb, how do you debug?


Super useful as always. I have a question. Debugging multi-threaded programs is of course a challenge, but it is a challenge people have had the chance to discuss for quite some time now. One thing that is relatively less discussed is what to do when you are debugging a process that creates many inferiors, some of which might also become interesting to you. Trying to find them and attaching new instances to them can quickly go out of hand. GDB9.1 claims to have gained new multiprocess debugging capabilities. It would be super interesting to see something in this area. It is not like I am proposing that you demonstrate something that I already know. I am struggling to find information on this, and perhaps you will have better luck than I did :)


watch point used at 3:22 will make the execution quite slow..we can use conditional breakpoint
watch point definitely has its own use which you explained later.


Is there a way to do the same with multi process programs?


Beautiful videos.

Did you consider an example / video on debugging multi threaded program that paused a specific thread so you could clearly see the other thread complete?


Sometimes when I am debugging multiple threads when the threads are being created it lists them all and then the prompt breaks. How can I get the prompt back in this case?


I am trying to make a simple game using C that uses threads it's a "DRAGON JUMP" game that we can play on chrome when we haven't access INTERNET. I am using 2 characters one is jumping and the second one is horizontally moving but the problem is that when one jumps the second one disappears and when one moves horizontally jumping one disappears.I want both of them to present there.


how can i setup the pthreads lib ? i couldnt find any related info on this matter. im using ubuntu on vm


Can debugger sleep a thread for a while and other threads keep running in the background?


Yikes...get an IDE...great video's...I have been watching many of them


the only 2 dislikes were from functional programmers


1 dislike))) Who was that guy? Java developer?))))
