Children’s Educational Video: Explaining Racism and Discrimination

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Nowadays kids need to know about the horrific abuse that some people get in society, based purely on the colour of their skin. If it's linked to Baltimore, Sandra Bland or even the huge overcrowdings in Americans prisons, whatever it is, the next generation needs to be well informed on the problems Racism and Discrimination are causing the world.

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As we reflect on a history where the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews, ethnic cleansing went unseen in Former Yugoslavia and Africa, and the black community continues to be discriminated against based on their Slavery past, I am beginning to wonder, When will it ever end?

This video comes days after the anniversary of the Michael Brown Shootings, in which a clearly racist cop was allowed to gun down an innocent black man, and get away with it. Society is messed up, and the sooner we educate our children on the rights and wrongs of racism and Discrimination, then the sooner we can finally reach an equal, fair, socially just society, that incorporates everybody into it. Enjoy the video.

Here is the transcript if you're interested:

Children’s Educational Video: Explaining Racism and Discrimination
In the world we live in, some people think that they are better than other people.
These people seem to believe that the world is split into different groups of people,
Called races.
Some of these groups believe they are more or less superior to other groups.
For example in the most common form of racism we can think of, day in day out, black people are called rude words and often hurt by their white counterparts.
When this occurs, and a certain group of people are treated unfairly compared to the people who mistreat them,
it is called racism.
Racism is a form of discrimination.
Discrimination is where people or some people, are treated badly or goodly, based on a certain perceived feature of the person or those peoples.
Racism is where people are treated badly or goodly based purely on race.
Racism has been going on for years now, and it has influenced many events such as
The slave trade, which was when innocent Africans were taken by Europeans and forced to work in America as slaves.
World war 2 when the Nazis discriminated against Jewish people and many others
The apartheid in South Africa
And of course the civil rights movement in the USA
Because racism is a key factor and a bad factor in all of these events, people around the world are trying to get rid of it.
Most people agree that racism is a bad thing, and that people need to stand together, against racism and everybody needs to be treated the same in a good way.
This is called equality.
Thanks for watching guys and if you enjoyed this video then please click the link here to subscribe and don’t forget to like, share and comment on this video! Thanks for watching.

Tags: Racism (Quotation Subject),Discrimination (Film Subject),Education (TV Genre),children educational videos,educational video,children videos,videos for children,educational kids videos,toddlers educational videos,videos for kids,toddler videos educational,educational songs,toddler videos,toddler videos,toddler videos educational,toddlers educational videos,videos for children,back to school,racism definition,racism explained,what is racism,school
Рекомендации по теме

Of course, they always mention "The Slave Trade", as if there has only ever been one. Slavery is still prevalent today in India and African Countries, just as it was hundreds of years go, including the Arab Slave Trade, in Northern Africa, and Western Asia, which lasted far longer and resulted in a higher tally of slaves.


Little did we know YouTube turned out to be the biggest race hustler of all time.


This video has now officially ended racism. We can all go home.


Is YouTube recommending this to us because it wants to be woke


Worst education video I’ve ever seen. How can they get it so wrong


“Racism is where people are treated badly or goodly based on their race”



The point that they’re trying to project is right but they need better execution and a more detailed explanation. Not just white people bad, anyone can discriminate against anyone, they need to explain that and show what you shouldn’t do and should do.


When you teach Kids about this you make these Children continue the thought that they are oppressed instead of teaching them everyone is free.


Let's not forget that the rich Africans sold their own people to the Europeans.


Uhhh why did YouTube recommend this to me


This is why people need to read history books. This video is getting it wrong. So wrong in fact that it’s practically misleading.


'Goodly' does not mean what you think it means.


So basically this video is saying ‘white people bad’ 🙈


You left out the part "black people can't be racist".


I am not advocating slavery, but can we please remember that Europeans bought slaves from other Africans. The slave trade had been alive and well in Africa for thousands of years before anyone thought of taking slaves to the new world.


"Treated goodly"? It's good the creator signposted their intention to damage children's minds with this video by using appalling English.


You rubbished this when you sail “white people shout at back people”. So you made it a black v white thing. You forgot about the rest of the human race....


Why am I being recommended this propaganda?


I hope this isn't being played in public schools...


, ,were taken by europeans" really? As a eastern european I feel offended! We did not do such a thing we were too busy being ottoman empire's slaves
