1 Million Jellyfish Live In This Lake

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Comment how much would you have to be paid to swim with millions of jellyfish?! 💲👇 Poor Hud hates jellyfish. And what they didn't tell us is that in addition to the golden jellyfish, this lake is also filled with moon jellyfish. Which basically look like any normal clear jellyfish, but don't sting. But they still feel weird! And there's almost no way to avoid running into them.

😱 On top of that this lake apparently has crocodiles! And if you swim more than 30 feet down you could die from an anoxic layer (meaning no oxygen).

😇 Haha all this sounds like something out of a horror film, but in reality it's a beautiful lake in the middle of a gorgeous country! Unfortunately, we didn't get to swim with millions of jellyfish this visit. We knew their numbers were down, but had heard that the jellies were on the rise! However, not quite back up to the millions.

😭 Funny side note: after diving all day and all our walking in recent countries Hud's calf cramped up while trying to swim down to record one of the jellyfish. (Poor guy! He replayed the clip for me and we were cracking up at the face he made! See our last visit for a glimpse 😂)

🥰 The cutest thing is that every day the golden jellyfish migrate from the west to the east due to the shadows in the lake! So I guess they are like me and just like sunshine.

👍 If you want to swim with these cute little guys, 3 of the only places are: 1. Here in Palau. 2. Raja Ampat, Indonesia. 3. Siargao Island, Philippines.

👇 Comment how much would you have to be paid to swim with millions of jellyfish?! 💲👇


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My husband would love this but I would be a bit afraid 😂😅


Jellyfish are poisonous? Unless these have a less potent or no poison I would be running away from that water faster then the flash 💀


Why would someone willingly swim where there are known crocodiles?


How does it make toxic when you swim.30 ft down? Im actually curious and confused.
