GDPR and CCPA Compliance for Ecommerce Stores

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If you have an ecommerce store and collect legally protected personal information such as mailing addresses, phone numbers and credit card information, you need to be familiar with the GDPR and the CCPA.

The EU’s GDPR requires that you only collect the minimum amount of data you need to process an order and do other specific tasks. Certain types of data also require consent before being collected. Provide a GDPR-compliant Privacy Policy on your ecommerce store.

California’s CCPA requires that you let users know what their rights are, and that you provide a “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” page. You should do this via a CCPA-compliant Privacy Policy.

Make sure your ecommerce store Privacy Policy contains at least the following information:

- What personal information you collect about your shoppers or store visitors
- How you collect and use this personal information
- How you protect the information
- If you share the information with any third parties (such as analytics or payment processors)
- How your users can contact you

#gdpr #ccpa #ecommerce #privacypolicies
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