Warframe | Dev Interview | Tennocon

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Why does @Warframe have such a fiercely loyal player base? The game's community director Megan Everett might have an idea.

We managed to chat with her on the sidelines of #Tennocon2024 before she headed up on stage to address a room of 3,000 (not counting the 100,000 more watching at home).
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Took an eight year break and came back about a month ago and I’m having so much fun!


Found out about Warframe back in late 2012 in a Roblox website ads. Not sure if it was during alpha or beta, but it was the most satisfying game ive played when i was 12. hopped in, again mid 2014 and haven’t stopped playing it. this game has always been my number one spot whenever im done with everything, and anything. it has definitely improved in every aspect (except conclave of course) and im proud of it. glad to be in its community.


First time Warframe here? omg, i really love Warframe <3
The Tennocon was really good and i always back to my home, WARFRAME!


Been with Warframe/DE from 2015 almost 10years for me from i was 16 and man im glad i stayed during the ups and downs to see the result of hardword, nevergiving up and pushing forward. Man its great looking forward to experiencing more of this great game
And Megan speaks truth man this game does feel like home like I took couple years from Warframe during 2018-2022 during which I was playing LoL and when I got back into Warframe seeing what had happend call of the tempestari(might have butchers the spelling there), railjack to me was great because I didn't experience all the downs it had but it goes to show they'll do anything to make their experiences in game work for the player base


You can feel the cohesion while playing the game. It definitely feels like the devs are all on the same page!! Great job devs!


Played about 40 hours or so back in 2017. Just came back about two weeks ago and made it through Second Dream and now I am hooked. Loving it.


Seeing all these new tennos coming back is so great! I hope for the longevity of this game. Definitely my number 1 played/beloved game ive ever played. Long live DE!


WOW, 0:00 exactly why I quit Destiny and now I am so in love with Warframe, I started playing the game summer 2023, grinded my brains out, crafted a few magnificent builds, then stopped playing for a few months, then when I came back, my Rhino was as bloated and hard as he was before I stopped and my Wisp was thic and potent as well, meanwhile in Destiny 2, you have to grind every week or you'd be left behind... Thanks but no thanks Bungie, I have found a better game, my only regret is not getting into Warframe earlier.


this is one of the very few games that still has passion behind it since their main goal is to please the fans.


DE is imo the best dev team ever because they actually care about their game and player base


Been playing Warframe for four years and still love it. An amazing game that I am still surprised its free


For me it's less of a community since i'm not *really* part of the community i just do my own thing. But playing a game for almost half of your life is significant lol.


Disapears for a year and shows back up: ayo that's me


I discovered Warframe back in 2018. The latest quest was the sacrifice. My laptop was dogshit so I couldn't run it properly, but I liked the concept so much that I stuck with it. Got a slightly less dogshit laptop that fortunately could run the game better. Currently can't play due to some technical issues but by the time 1999 rolls out I'll for sure be back home.
Clem grakata, my homies!


I've been with the game since U7, glad I bought the founders pack, knew the game was gonna be great specially even back then the devs were super receptive.


I took break since 2020. I stopped playing after completing Railjack missions when it came out. I've returned in 2024, and I just want to complete the story missions that came out since then


Warframe for me is a safe place, we're I know I will be treat correctly by the DE cuz they value our time and effort, they love us and we love them


Destiny had a stranglehold on me. It was the only game I could play because of FOMO. I play a lot of Warframe, but it's so much more chill and I feel like I can take breaks. I'm playing Hitman right now and enjoying the break.


I love how the very first thing she says is what games should be, yet most of them strive to hog your attention 24/7 and its so damn tiring.


DE was smart hiring Meghan and Reb. People love them. Hey I want to hang out with them. Don't tell my wife. She won't understand. Pablo can come along too. Not sure about Steve. Being the CEO he is like too big and important to really chill with like the other people.
