Create Database in Entity Framework Core Using Code First Approach and CRUD Operation in EF Core

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In this example you will learn how you can create the database from models in entity framework core using #codefirst approach.

Commands if latest one 3.1.4
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --context YourContextName --project YourProjectName
dotnet ef Database Update --context YourContextName --project YourProjectName

3 Packages you need
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 3.1.4
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design 3.1.4
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools 3.1.4

And remove, PrivateAssets all - PrivateAssets from Design and tools as they are generated by default.

What is covered in this video of Database #migration in #entityframeworkcore
1. We created a new .net core microservice project
2. Created the model class and added properties
3. Added the required NuGet packages to run the migration commands
4. Executed migration commands like add-migration and update-database to create the migration script and update/create the database.
5. At last we added database create and get queries like #CRUDOperations using entity framework core.

You will find all the required commands and NuGet packages to create a database in entity framework code first approach.

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Nice. I'm glad you started from scratch with no databases created and covered the part where you update the database. A lot of people skip the step where you do 'database update'. If you miss this step, you won't have a database created. Most of the tutorials created the database beforehand as part of their "dry-run" or something and it makes it confusing when you're trying to following it step by step. This is a great quick and simple guide. I copied your run book into my notes for the future. Thanks man!


Need to work on screen presentation and overview skills


Glossed over almost everything in super-fast video. Not valuable for learning.
