British Army Basic Training | Week by Week Guide!

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British army basic training is a challenging time for everyone. In this video i give you a step by step guide to what happens in each week. I have take this information from both the British Army Website and from my own Knowledge, this was however, around 10 years ago!

Video and Photo Credits - British Army, BBC Newsbeat . (The video footage in parts of this video does not belong to me and is solo used to give a great insight into military life)

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never knew how much the army cadets prepares you!! i'm so excited for the army in a few years


Wow so much has changed since i went through 22 years ago. We had the fitness test every 2 weeks. That was brutal. Anyone joining soon. Stick with it and keep pushing yourself. Good look!


Hi guys. I just wanted to say that watching this video made me realise how much stuff we get to do in CCF/cadets.
Most of the stuff up until week 6 I think I've done in 3 years in my CCF (minus fitness stuff). I'll give a list of all the things we've been taught/done:
Skill at arms+weapons handling test
Live Firing
Blank Firing
Exercise (I've only done a 24hr one but I think 48 hr is the longest)
Map and Compass
Drill (we do Remembrance Parades etc.)
Bit of first aid
6-Section Battle drills, Contact drills (My Section was taught this by a Gurkha and it was the coolest thing of my life), Section/Platoon attack. (Also this year we got to do TIBUA)

My point in this comment is not to brag but to show how useful cadets can be if you are still quite young and want to join the army. Of course everything we do (Except Skill at arms) is at a lower standard/less detail because we're still in school/ under 18.

P.S I'm not trying to take anything away from the army of course so don't attack me if u think I am!


The most painful thing is knowing you have to learn the SA80


Hey man, thanks for the video. Really useful. Hoping to enlist sometime in the next month, praying everything's alright and i can move onto basic 🙏


Going for my basic training in March and really looking forward to it, thanks for the insight much appreciated👍


Also, want to add that this video was very helpful with understanding on what the army is about, and how it functions by civilians being transformed into soldiers.. thank you


No bullying or beatings, maybe that was just part of my basic training!!


Greetings ally’s,
I’ve always been curious how y’all did things across the big pond.
My first day in basic training was like a sprint through hell!
Constant insults and confusion, hazing, your mother should have swallowed, the most creative swears to this day I have ever heard. Just madness!
I believe things have changed a lot over the last 10 years but man it was fun.
Arrival at your unit and you were a “cherry”
I believe after my first year things finally mellowed out for me.
Best of luck to everyone and watch each other’s backs!


Interesting we had a Foundation week before you went to CMSR (Basic training) Back in 1999 I believe it was 2 weeks foundation in the intake before me But it was all admin and kit etc you had to pass BPFA mile and half with press ups and run also lifting weighted ammo tins on benches Most of it was. The events and layout was different but it covered all the subjects you mentioned However there was a hell of a lot of thrashings and beastings lol.. There where 3 short field excises that you basically got thrashed on no sleep or very little getting bugged out every harbour you went to no introduction to field you where told this is what we want do it right or suffer they even used to bring a PTI every morning lol.. In camp pretty much the same you made the standard or you got back squaded we started with 40 only 15 passed out I later became an instructor at a training regiment The think had changed to train in and not train out It's good to see that it's something that has changed as we probably lost a fair few guys we could have kept if we had that thinking back in my time at Pirbright as a recruit


I’m leaving to do my fitness test on the 13 of next month and this is very helpful ❤️


Glad to see caving is on adventure training, i recently got stuck in a cave and I had to get pulled out. Got a bone to pick with caves, ready to smash them!!


Got my Phase one the 1st September at Pirbright. Previously been in the RAF, interested to see the big difference in the Basic between the two.


Hey man, really enjoy the videos they’re really helping me sort my mind out with where I’d like to go with my future. But please tell me the caving is optional 😂 I’ll do a skydive but I ain’t going in no cave 😂😂


Class video mate. Do you need to be able to do forward rolls i cant do them for toffee like


I go basic 24th of April really looking forward


Thanks for the video. Really helps with nerves and very informative. I start this Sunday, 13th of March at Pirbright 👍🏼
Do you know which week the medical is?


I’m 16 and I wanna join the British army as soon as I can and do infantry and hopefully be a marksman but idk what to train like I know running but I don’t know what else like I’m weak but I wanna be stronger and hopefully sign up in January


I start basic in November, and I’m actually really worried about maths and English, apparently there’s tests and stuff and I’m crap. Also I’m bad at public speaking hopefully I won’t mess up my ice breaker. It sounds silly but I want to leave a good impression


Hi mate, thanks for the info. I'm joining the Engineers. Looking forward to it
