Multiple Sclerosis Vlog: Answering Viewers Questions

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In this video, I'm answering viewers questions about Multiple Sclerosis!

The Boster Center for Multiple Sclerosis accepts all major insurance carriers and accepts consults from around the globe, both in office and via telemedicine. or call 614-304-3444 to schedule!

COMMENT with your thoughts and questions below! I look forward to reading and responding!



NOTE: Make sure to talk to your provider before ANY treatment decision. We hope to educate, empower and energize those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. This channel consists of a collection of formal lectures and informal video clips about MS (and in this case answering viewers questions) to help education others. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational/educational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any of our videos. They are just to help educate you about the condition guys!
Рекомендации по теме

Another great educational video. I have learned so much about MS from you and your channel. I can't wait to go to my new MS neurologist next month. Thank you so much Doctor Boster


Hi, Doctor Boster. I was so lost trying to understand how M.S works. These videos are so helpful and easier to understand. Now I feel like I can help my husband a lot more. Thank you, for taking the time to do this. It's amazing how much better my husband feels knowing he's not alone in this fight. YOU ROCK🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Thank you, Dr. Boster! I'm jelous of your patients who have such an amazing team of people to care for them.


I’m so proud of my fellow MS’rs for asking these GREAT questions! Yes steroids may slow wound healing. Thank you for answering these questions, and your dedication to your patients and the entire world of MS’rs. ❤️


I have had several MRI’s in past at least several in 10 years. The first one showed T2 flair consistent with MS. Report suggested further work up. Since that date I have had several episodes that required emergency room visits one in particular warranted a stroke alert. The most recent episode I was standing in the emergency room talking to a Dr about a patient I brought in and all of the sudden I felt as if I was falling backwards. I through my arms out to catch myself. Thank goodness I was on steady ground. MRI showed lesions. The neuro told me they were not in the right spot for MS. I was able to walk with one foot in front of the other the first part of December it has progressed to difficulty walking. Anyway I became my own advocate and was given the name and number to a MS specialist in my state. Found out I have 23 lesions on my brain none in my spine. Do with demyelination disorder. Not “MS” was told because I don’t have any active lesions not that dx. Was started on symptom management. What is your opinion with symptom management versus a DMT?


Thank you AGAIN Dr. Boster! Your videos help me and so many others to understand our MS better! YOU ARE WONDERFUL! I have had MS for nearly 5 years now and your videos help me to learn new info every time! Take care, Andrea 😊


Thank you Dr. B. Sending you warm greetings from north Texas.☺️


Hi Doctor Boster I’m a member of the We’re FKN Multiple Sclerosis Warriors lead by Desere’, she’s a great friend of mine.
I’m Liz, I will be 60 May 31, and was dx when I was 27. I have been RR for most of my journey and am now SPMS. I’m still on Rebif (I know🤦🏻‍♀️) but my decline wasn’t rapid until this winter. I’m on Long Island, possibly have arthritis in both knees still checking, but have been having recurring UTIs triggering flairs and this December had blackouts, vertigo, loss of everything even hearing and speech, memory it was horrible. 9 days in the hospital and oral steroids for 3 weeks after. I saw Neuro, urologist, cardio, gp and Gyn. Still in testing stage right now today is the first day I feel better. Still feeling uti was on silodosin 8mg and cranberry pills. The only thing that did was make my nausea and vertigo cog fog worse and I’m back on antibiotics Rx by my gp. I see uro Wednesday.
Dr Boster what’s happening to me???


I can't wait till your next live stream it's almost the end of the month 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I do not have ms, but I am so interested in the subject as I work with mental health! I learn a lot from you!
Many tks Dr!
Also it is a pleasure when I hear : it starts right now! 😀


Thank you so much for another amazing informative video. Greets from Paris!


Thank you Dr Boster for another awesome informative and empowering video 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Thank you for the video today. Life can be pretty good. Your video, a cup of coffee, watching the Cavaliers and a good day at Peter B. Lewis. What can be better?


Weird somehow I was no longer subscribed. I had to go in and find you and reclick the bell.


Another great question's and answer's session Dr B



Hello Doctor, have you seen Doctor Brandon Beaber's video "Doctors are to blame for outlandish drug prices!"?
I would really really like to know your opinion on this video, specifically, should we ask our neurologists to prescribe us the "underlying" medication behind MS meds, in case the MS meds are not affordable for us? (In my country we don't all get MS medication)


I really hope and pray they is a cure for MS soon. It has completly taken over our lives😔😪


Again thank You Dr. Aaron Boster for Everything you do...much appreciated by many. This MonSter is a thief!!! After struggling for so long to develop into a chosen career as Chef....maintain and actually rise to have that taken away....this Hurt....I invested ALL of myself into it, now....I'm in a fight for life. Mourning the loss of a part of myself? You bet....almost not here here to tell all about I summoned all my strength to fight this MonSter. With the help of Many Awesome people & listening to what I can & should do to help myself, one topic that is often discussed is as a former chef...I have some tasty weapons....after doing some research I know better what is best for me to eat which DOES help. My number goal, to prepare food that is made from scratch, handled minimally....this along with washing things down with water is a help for me. Thank You & I look forward to next video.


2 questions

-1) MRI with contrast, how often should you get contrast. I have active lesions so neurologist asked for MRI with contrast but I'm becoming uncomfortable doing it (done 3 MRI with contrast in 12 months)

2) switching DMT whilst current one is "working" eg no new lesions no symptom progression and current symptoms lessening. If the patient wants to switch to something else due to anxiety over risks what would be your thoughts as a neurologist


I'm on ocrevus and man crap gap is so true. Do you think that moving up an infusion and doing it earlier would help? Or is there anything I can do different in that time frame? Most symptoms come back and the fatigue is so debilitating. Thanks Dr. B
