Everyone HATES the best plant ever!

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I can't take it!

Bamboo is one of the most useful permaculture plants. You can eat it, build with it, fuel fires with it, make biochar from it, weave with it, feed it to animals and more! Why aren't more people planting bamboo? It's amazing!
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I grew up with a bamboo patch. My parents had sunk corrugated galvanized steel tubs in the ground and planted Golden bamboo in them. They were decorative, yeah, but they were also tent poles, pretend swords, lances for jousting, and a thousand other things. The shoots even made it into dinner from time to time.


My first thought was “if he’s gonna talk about comfrey I’m gonna 😂” great info


First, a bamboo forest, then a little family of pandas....what a great little homestead that would be!


There is actually a bamboo expert/nursery near you.
It's called 'Boo for You' and it's in Pensacola.
The man there is a good Christian man who knows his stuff. He might be good for a q and a video on bamboo for you and he might appreciate the attention.
He was very helpful with me and told me how to spot the difference between running bamboo vs clumping.
Have a blessed one, Mr The Good


I've always appreciated bamboo, but I developed a new appreciation for it after watching a number of videos of people in SE Asia turning bamboo into all kinds of useful and beautiful items, from small tools up to full-sized houses. My friend has two kinds growing at her place -- they don't get huge, but do get to a useful size -- and we plan to dig some up eventually and move it over here.


Rule kf thumb. Distance of runner is equivalent to the max height of cultivar. Just knock the shoots down in the spring for three years will devistate an out of control bamboo. No equipment needed. No digging. Just knock them down before they leaf out. It exhausts the rhizomes.


Bamboo is my favorite crop. I eat it, make massive amounts of bio char and compost. And best of all I have all the building material I can use.


My dad brought back bamboo from Thailand after he returned from the military. It was an amazing place to play as a child. <3


I have a running type in my yard that spread from a neighbors property years ago. I let it take over once to see what it would look like. The biggest canes I got were only a little over an inch in size. The last few years I have tried to eliminate it by taking a mattock to them as they emerge. The roots seem to persist forever though and it keeps coming up every year. At this point I am bamboozled.


So happy for you guys. I can see how different you are in your videos from this time last year!!So much more fun and relaxed.


My husband cut it into pieces and sold it as "hides" for aquariums. Made a fortune.


Great plant, many varieties for many applications. No matter what, you’ll always have someone saying “bamboo ruined my life 😩 and ate my chihuahua”


Patiently waiting for the kudzu video 😬😂❤


I pulled out 140 ft stand of bamboo once. Took 6 months plus a couple years cleaning up the stray runners. I’d put it up there with Bermuda grass in the pestilence category, unless you have a lot of space to give it. I did get a nice boon of stakes and partly decomposed organic material as it had probably been there for decades. But not a good choice where space is a premium.


Not only has David the Good helped me overcome my fear of grafting, but also has dashed my misconceptions on bamboo and it's spread. It was the BamBEATS that truly drove it home. Thank you, David the Good!


Oh yuck no! Not in town! I have some runners that passed under the neighbor’s fence and are now something I have to pull over to my side and trim as it reached the power lines. Also became a popular jump off point for rats running the electric lines. Additionally, their runners take up valuable land that makes it very hard to plant anything else. Constantly running into the runners. An inherited nightmare.


Bamboo is great in large compost piles as it provides air. I made fencing and every year I would replace the fencing and compost the old poles. Weaved into chicken wire it’s predator proof and chicken wire is cheap. I never had it on my property but the block across the street was infested with it. I offered to remove it for free.


Bamboo is absolutely beautiful! Always have loved them. And love them even more after learning it's usefulness.


Pagolas, grape vine trellises, wind breaks, privacy hedges.... 🥰 Great video


My bamboo really took off this year! I love it. The leaves are so beautiful, and the way it sways in the wind is so calming.
I give new shoots to a woman from Laos. Her mother prepares them for the family to eat.
I have planted it to help with soil erosion in spots on my property and it looks great!
