The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky | What does it mean?

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Today's video discusses The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky, particularly three interpretations of the ending: social, psychological, and spiritual What was Fyodor Dostoevsky saying with The Idiot? I drew all three interpretations from the wonderful biography about Dostoevsky, A Writer in His Time (abridged) by Joseph Frank.

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I really appreciate hearing your thoughts. I struggled a lot with the ending of The Idiot, because I had come to expect a level of redemption in Dostoyevsky that I didn’t find in The Idiot. I like how you broke down the psychological and spiritual aspect of why things turned out the way they did for the Prince. It’s a good reminder that we aren’t the Savior and by taking on too much of that responsibility, it will burn us out, cause disillusionment/hopelessness and maybe have even more severe consequences, like for the Prince.


What a beautiful commentary. I am now halfway through the novel and loving it, I agree with every point you are making here. How would a perfectly good character react and work out in a fictional reality? Dostoevski’s answer seems to be: “If he’s human, not very well, because that is impossible”. What IS possible for a human being is to become “magnetized” by Christ as the main magnet, and try every day to get near that level of perfection, knowing full well that we cannot achieve it because we are all sinners. This awareness is SUCH a crucial part of being a mature Christian, like you hinted at towards the end of your video. And the difference between trying to get near that level (living with Christ) and NOT caring about it is the literal difference between heaven and hell. Thank you 🙏🏻


"Just a single man, Fyodor Dostoevsky, is enough to defeat all the creative novelists of the world. If one has to decide on 10 great novels in all the languages of the world, one will have to choose at least 3 novels of Dostoevsky in those 10. Dostoevsky’s insight into human beings and their problems is greater than your so-called psychoanalysts, and there are moments where he reaches the heights of great mystics. His book BROTHERS KARAMAZOV is so great in its insights that no BIBLE or KORAN or GITA comes close.

In another masterpiece of Dostoevsky, THE IDIOT, the main character is called ‘idiot’ by the people because they can’t understand his simplicity, his humbleness, his purity, his trust, his love. You can cheat him, you can deceive him, and he will still trust you. He is really one of the most beautiful characters ever created by any novelist. The idiot is a sage. The novel could just as well have been called THE SAGE. Dostoevsky’s idiot is not an idiot; he is one of the sanest men amongst an insane humanity. If you can become the idiot of Fyodor Dostoevsky, it is perfectly beautiful. It is better than being cunning priest or politician. Humbleness has such a blessing. Simplicity has such benediction."


His flesh couldn't survive his society but that doesn't have any relation to the values and their worth.
Empathising with everyone - godly


I’m so sorry you’ve been unwell. It’s good to see you


😍😍 loved hearing your thoughts. This book is a source of endless fascination and discussion!


Great analysis of one of my favorite books ever. Wonderful job as usual.


I'm glad I got a chance to get your take on the book. I enjoyed listening to your insights. Cheers!


Hope youre doing better, loved hearing your thoughts here!


Wow great points. I didnt like this book at first even thought is the closest to my experiences, (to choose between the world or heaven thoughts) from Fyodor, im appreciating it more now, thanks.


Just finished the novel and re-listened to your great commentary here. The final part made me think that at some level Dostoevski wanted Myshkin and Roghozin to embody Good and Evil… Especially thinking about the very first scene on the train vs. the end. Not by chance, that extremely beautiful and intense description of the painting of the deposed Christ says that the painting was found inside of Rogozhin’s house.


There’s a joke here about loving this video but not being in love with it.


Qualifications? Do you have a major in Russian Literature and Philosophy?
