Skate Skiing - The #1 Thing

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What's the most important thing we try to do when skate skiing? Weight transfer, push off, balance, glide, foot return, leg drive?

The answer is more nuanced than just one or two of the things listed above. At the very core of everything that we try to do on skate skis, at the very core of every tip, trick, or tactic, is on thing...

"Move your center of mass toward the base of the support to direct pressure along the length of the ski."

It's a mouth full. But it's true. I should say, it's the most comprehensive "true" statement that I have come across. After pondering this statement, skiing this statement, and teaching this statement for a few seasons, I can't think of a time when racing, training, or skiing for fun that this fundamental statement isn't accurate.

Even at the end of a double cycle when my center of mass moves behind my feet and more pressure moves toward the tails of my skis, I believe this statement still is helpful. I'm moving and adjusting my center of mass over my base of support to direct pressure along the length of my skis.

At that moment in double pole, I'm moving my center of gravity toward the rear of my base of support to apply more pressure on the tails of my skis so that I get more acceleration from my skis.

The statement as become my litmus test. When I watch skiers ski, especially when I'm coaching a skier or group of skiers, I look to see what their center of mass is doing in relationship to their base of support and how it effects the power generated through their skis.

Then the next most important question, why? Why are they successful or not successful manipulating their center of mass toward their skis to create, maximize, or maintain glide efficiently?

Is it because they are not transferring their weight toward the new ski? Are they not getting a solid push off in order to move themselves toward the new skate ski? Are their feet not returning underneath them? How about their poling? Do the poles contribute to moving their center of mass toward their skis? Or do the poles only accelerate the ski and do nothing synergistically with weight transfer?

In this video, I'll demonstrate what this looks like and two drills that I hope will get you feeling directing pressure along the length of the ski and moving your center of mass over your base of support.
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you sir, are in my opinion the best instructor I have EVER come across. Trully nice. Now let's see if I am able to put to practice all that 😀. Thank you!


Awesome! I had to listen to your video many times to get the full information and implication of being able to control the pressure on your skis and the weight transfer from one ski to the other! Well done! This is so relevant and to the point!


Very informative video. Have been skate skiing on my school team for a couple years and the drills and info will really help me improve my technique


Thanks a lot for the video, David. The concept is great and your instructions are very clear. You have basically taught me how to skate the day I watched your video.


Excellent video David, thanks so much! Just back from first skate of the season and had your voice in my head the whole time. FWIW the best part for me (an amateur who's dabbled in skate for a few days a year for years) was where you talk about forces "ALONG" the ski. While others have likely described the same aspect of technique, your description really resonated. Thanks so much!


This training is just fantastic, thank you!


You are an amazing skieur man! An excellent skier with an amazing communication skill. Thank you for the explanation and the two drills David!


This is a great video- laying out a couple drills with small components that contribute to the big picture. Definitely resonates with me, thinking back to batting and throwing drills from baseball instruction. Thanks!


Thanks for the vids. I think I owe you several beers for all the help they've been.


Thank you I’m trying to get my husband to go cross country skiing just started snowing huge flakes today and we live right down to a place called Theodore Wirth trail head


It is my third time watching the video! Still as impressive as The first time I watched it! I cannot come up to a better single objective when skate skiing!


Man, your ski glide is just perfect :)


Oh, man! That was helpful. Now I know how to teach people the skate style. Thanks!


The best way of instructing.. any tips for turn and control downward?


Man, great drills ! Thanks a lot for videos and keep them coming - looking forward to something for V1 offset for very steep hills - more than on the video you posted in 2015


david love the feeling, image of pressure along the full ski vs just saying a flat ski... additionally using the marathon vs 
the much ballyhooed scooter drill can allow you to stay, emphasize staying on the one ski in track and work on balance in a way very advantageous to beginners and those saying rehabbing ..thanks for this and all your very useful and interesting, well thought out videos...


Hard to find good tutorials on YT and you my friend have one!


I always learn a lot from your videos! Is it good practice to do the following. Say I push with right ski and head for left ski glide to do the following: 1) transfer centre of mass (COM) from right to left 2) try to land the left ski on its left edge 3) land left ski on snow, ski lands flat, glide for e.g. 2-3 meters.. this is also where left leg gets most straight, and your are most upright, leaning forward, COM at it's highest point... and 4) around two thirds of glide start to lean the left ski on its right edge to then 5) push on the left ski-right side edge. At initiation of #5 the right boot and ski are as close to left boot and ski (hanging in the air, ready to catch the right ski glide.

Also coming back to the left leg (around #3, 4), should one point the left knee outwards, and not bend inward? Is bending knee inward bad practice?

I hope you can follow this breakdown of motion 😀😀


David, You are my Maestro! When are you coming to the Northern Midwest Great Lake area? The land of Gitchi Gumi. I have a room that you can stay at and the rest of the PSIA crew would also love to host you!


This was really awesome. Bookmarked and will watch again.
