DECODED: Mystery Manuscript in Lost Ancient Language - The Voynich Manuscript

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#manuscript #voynichmanuscript #ancientlanguage
The Voynich Manuscript is a book that has been dated to as early as the early fifteenth century, and currently resides in Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. It appears to be written in an unknown or artificial language, and has been the subject of intense study for many years.
The name is taken from Wilfrid Voynich who was a Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912, but it is also known as the "Voynich manuscript" or "Roger Bacon's Cipher"..
The Voynich Manuscript is a text written in an unknown and unreadable language. It has become a topic of interest for scholars and cryptographers since the 16th century. The manuscript is believed to be a manual on how to treat illnesses or it might be a book of herbal remedies. Unfortunately, we will never know for sure what the book was originally about because the book is written in such an incomprehensible language that even experts can't decipher what it says.
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The manuscript has according to YouTube videos been decoded 99 times now, of course in reality where the rest of us live, it's not been decoded once.


People tend to forget that this book which is carbon dated to the 15th century could be a copy made from a older book and the actual text and drawings could be thousands of years older


5:52 here the manuscript is 400 pages long
7:00 and now it's 230 pages long
Which one is it?


Can't believe I just let a robot tell me a bunch of incorrect information


How many times do you want to repeat the same sentences in one video?
Decoded Origins: yes.


Hey! Does anybody know what software they used to produce the narration audio? It doesn't sound like a real person to me


" an ancient tribe known as the - the name of this unreadable text was given by Voynich". Mate? Why did you cut that part out but leave the rest of the sentence in?


Can anyone decipher any of what the narrator is saying?
I keep listening and she keeps talking but its almost like she's speaking in some unknown language that just SOUNDS like English.
"Given that the manuscript's language has yet to be deciphered, this evidence is not conclusive".
I think she's saying that because we don't know what it says, this means we don't know what it says.
But I can't be sure since I'm not sure she's even using words she understands.


at 2.34 it is Voynich who buys the book in 1912 for $2400, at 3.42 it is bought by Yale University for $300 also in


Why the the name of the theorized tribe cut out? 2:27 - 2:31


See YT Dragan Rakonjac of 28. feb. 2022 and my comments there.

Here it comes again, 😀, for the Yale graduate, MS, comment of a century, millennium, worth of a Nobel prize in science, history, WW2 experts in coding could not decode VMS and B. Vukcevic did it as a hobby.

Yale University holds the most seacret SERBIAN book ever made, an attempt to help save what was left from Eastern Roman Empire called Byzantium from asian invaders, "agarjanskih ched", by preventing sultan Amurat to have a child that his inheritance as Paleolog on the female side would be most of the Balkan christian lands.

I am listening again. She graduated from Yale University. Here is my gift for her: Yale University holds world most misterious book, Voynich manuscript. It is written starting in Smederevo on 15. august 1435. in the altar of St. Luka church and edited few times later. It is written by despot Djuradj's most trusted secret agents Nicolaus de Arcilupis, his brother duke and later on bishop, vladika Mrksha and 2 Nicolauses sons Vukash and Gaspar(ino) Stagnevich ( Stanjevic ). The purpose was to make sure that Amoarisa, "from Amorea", Corfu today, Mavra, ( wrongly called Mara Brankovic ) daughter of despot and one of many sultan's wives doesn't get pregnant with the afro-asian donkey ( see the last page of VMS . "m" is 8 ) sultan Amurat. They developed in northern Italy, Padova, over 7 years 3 contraceptive devices, 2 sponges, diaphragm and IUD almost identical as one today. In 1442, "amplius" Niksa was recognized by Marin Mudrikic in Adrianopolis and was sentenced first for "decapitare" and later changed for "scorticare". He survived beating and lived to an old age, burried in the new monastery in Cetinje, Cipur after 1484. Now you know who made Voynich manuscript and why. All the other theories are crap. I am the one who decoded it first in the world. A while ago I offered to Yale, then to SANU, U of BG etc. to do presentation semi-public ( the book contains explicit imagery, insults to states, nations and religions etc.) nobody showed any interest. Herbal, medical, pharmaceutical and astrological science is gnostic, forbidden in many ways by Christianity at the time. Language is version of Aromanian ( of that time, Alba Romanian, "Bjelice", extinct today, divided between neighbors, Serbs, Greeks, Romanians, Macedonia and Albania ), coding is similar to american name game, alphabet is combination of cyrilic, latin and gnostic greek. 98% of the text is irrelevant, decoy, sole purpose of the book was to secretly let know Amoarisa what to do. Nicolaus was playing a harem hygiene amplius, among other things !? The book contains thousands of serbian words, coded, there is a drawing of Smederevo fortress, Danube, Jezava, a bunch of "drzhava", "holdings", Serbia, Vallacia, Bosnia, Hungary, Venice, Ottoman state etc. There is also a drawing of Naisus fortress, among others.
Briefly, who was Nicolaus de ArciLupis and what that has to do with VMS or myself?
He is roughly 33. generation from emperor Licinius ( see Konstantin Nikolajevic, Prvih pet ... pdf, last page ), then lineage goes like this: Stefan Nemanja, king Stefan P. V., king Radoslav ( monk Jovan ), grand kaznac Dragoslav, protovestiar ( min. of finance ) Stan ( Stanislav Nemanjic ), grand duke Nikola Stanjevic, vlastelichic ( paladin ) Vuksha ( starac Makarije ), duke Pavle ( Palko Vuchevic, "Orlovic" ) and Tomadela daughter ( spoke aromanian among other languages, serbian, latin, greek ) of Tomash Sclavo, then Nicolaus had 3 sons, youngest was Kalogeorgije, a lawyer in Cattaro in Stefan Nemanja's court house ( taken from his father Nicolaus at 1452.. and given to an Italian then to Stefanica Crnojevic, today known as Ivan Crnojevic palace in Cattaro ), then Drashko, sveshtenik mnih Makarije, printer and hegumenos of Chilandar monastery, then priest ( pop ) Vukac and us Vukchevics. Apart from us Vukchevics there are more then 10 000 today living male descendants from Stefan ( Vakhin, Vukan ) Nemanja in Montenegro, Serbia and in the world.

For high res google voynich manuscript pdf high resolution and use first link.
On page 206 zoom at the top.
Images: private parts, "balls", with "n" in penis. N stands for Nicolaus, same as his crest in 1423. and many contracts he wrote.
Word: Amurat
Afro-asian donkey with stripes.
Naked Amoarisa with crown.
On the right:
1. line: Vorbesc nomu vukshev ( speaks me by the name Vukshev ). That is legal surname in the Ottoman empire, by the name of grandfather. Slightly coded.
2. line is coded, I have the reading.
3. line not coded by shuffling the bits ( slogove ):
Sia + mavra + movra + via + arca + mavra. Amoarisa, old lineage, Paleolog.
4. Akak isia valmen ubven so nim gas mich. How this one ( me ) was well beaten by him ( afro-asian donkey, Amurat, with a hole in his penis ) like a minced meat ( chevap ).
On another page text: "malsam spasav zhiv glov" "I barely saved my life", he fainted and spell water from a pot he was holding his swollen tong in it, at the bottom of that page is remnants of his blood and lymph from his wrist !?
Naked women are drawn so that real muslim should not look at that. Also + ( cross ) is for the same purpose. Will go to Hell.
The last page was written after the beating, first sentence was "decapitare et eredit" to be decapitated and his relatives and discendants ( 3 sons, Vuksha, Gaspar-ino and Kalogeorgije, my line, and wife donna Anna ) to be exterminated. Later was changed to "scorticare".

Pdf page 158. top right corner is Smederevo fortress viewed from apsida window, 2 blue lines are Danube and Jezava. Then despot's home in between in great details, then guard towers around, windows are depicted in a great detail in one herbal section as a root of a plant. To the right is St. Luka church. The "hands" are "drzhava", states surrounding the serbian state. Venice is at the bottom, south-west of Serbia, Ottoman state to the east, has sea, blue lines and waves. The book has 4 hand writings, Niksha, Mrksha, Gaspar and Vukas holding flower in his hand for Amoarisa, his love and promised bride from young age, Niksha's power trip to reestablish Stefan' Urosh's ( Eagle ) dynasty again on page ... to follow.

On page 156 is holly table, "sveta trpeza" in apsida, altar of St. Luka, has 6 ornaments . Scriba Nicolaus holds inc bottle in his hand, Gaspar is pointing up, Vukash, love of Amoarisa holds a flower and bishop Mrksha bishop's stick and rosaries. He is in a long robe. 4 pillars stem from the holly table. On the table is their "sunshine", Amoarisa.

Castle at the bottom, page 158. with text "oPcma oPogma" is Velje Brdo in Serbia, her 3. home, after Antivary, at where is today king Nikola's "dvorac", original one blown up in smithereens by knjaz Nikola to eradicate traces of serbian nobleman presence there, and Smederevo.

On page 149, bottom left is an instruction how to use IUD with word "oVak", "like this". Amoarisa was bright, educated, literate in a few languages girl.
The same on p. 146. Top, she holds IUD, lower she holds a diaphragm almost identical as of today!?
Also at 145. and "intercorse".
What is interesting, they knew for microscope and telescope, 2 or more lens put together also for watching stars, they knew about spermatozoids, they called them "naves", so with use of a device "izio vuk magarca", naves are useless!
This is done for the purpose of shielding Christianity. Top left.
Page 142. middle Naisus fortress, "Nishka banja ..."

Page 141. The most important drawing of all ! IUD ! 😀 Consist of silk treads, copper perls and soft skin plugs. Notice treads all the way. Pull center one and perls line up in a hard stick. Pull side treads and plug narrows. Position IUD Y ends in phelopian tubes and release all treads, job done. To take out IUD do reverse, pull outside treads, plug is reduced and remove IUD.
On another page is very clear instruction for 2 sponges in the old slavic language next to the drawing "djen sum djer" ( udjeni sundjer ) meaning "push in sponge".
Niksha wanted to save Amoarisa to be his daughter-in-law.
As per legend Despina was kastrated, will skip details here, just to mention.
I think this is enough, could analyse all, page by page if necessary. Also I can read any text in the book correctly.
Thanks to the readers for patience. Regards, B. V.

General comment: Christianity was the worst thing that happened to the western civilization. It plunged the prosperous Roman Empire into more then 10 centuries of darkness, till Humanism and Renaissance. Our ancestors on Balkan stayed on the fringes of the dark catholic dogma, in the Eastern Roman Empire centered at the New Rome, Constantinople, they were building on previous gnostic science life through those dark ages. Here, in VMS, we have a good view how their knowledge looked like before it was condemned by the western church, in these books that they copied from despot's collections and others found in the old libraries through Balkans ( communists from Kolashin burned some that have survived till 20. century ). At the east Islam was achieving advances in exact sciences and philosophy far advanced then the west. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for us, they neglected advantages of cheap books and printing press and they today stand as the worst civilization on this planet Earth. After them it is the catholicism etc.
On the subject of the previous, upper comments about VMS, in the time of Despot and Niksha, for example, Carmen of Petrarca was read in Smederevo before 1444. ad. And microscope and telescope was a common knowledge. Who knows what other is hidden in these pages?


I had heard about a year ago, that someone recognized an ancient, no longer used, Romanian, or Slavic language in the writings.
But I haven't heard any more than that...


Lol "purchased for dollar 300" that's a pretty good text to speech software though


Penulis buku ini seorang wanita (kelas rendahan). Dia piawai meracik tumbuhan tertentu seperti jinten, ketumbar, biji cemara etc baik untuk kesuburan, penangkal racun (yang dibuat wanita pesaing lainnya di zona kerajaan). Adapun gambar-gambar yang menyerupai astroomi, astrologi, dan kosmologi merupakan interior kerajaan Ottoman 🇹🇷 dan hebatnya dia bisa baca interior tersebut sebagai ilmu perbintangan sperti taurus pleidos etc, ada lagi eksterior kerajaan sbg peta keberadaan istana Ottoman. Dia wanita paling disayangi raja selain pintar melayani sex juga penasihat raja. Untuk lebih rinci gambarsnnya bisa lihat film hurrem sultan sulaiman.


I just wonder if anyone thought of using a mirror, to see if it's an identifiable language. Backwards writing sometimes is used in hidden texts.


How did u have that ai talking on the voice over


From where did the monk come into scene 😂🤣


The Voynich manuscript has already been decoded by a Turkish scholar prior to 2019.


First they say it was found next to an unidentified body, then they say it was found by a monk.... Well Which Is It!?!


"It has existed for hundreds of years, but the puny humans have been unable to decipher it! Robots rule!"
