Building a Model Railway to send Coffee

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👉🏼 I sell downloadable plane, car and boat kits on my website.


DISCLAIMER: This video is purely for entertainment value. Personal use of video content is at your own risk. Recreations of experiments, activities and projects are the sole legal responsibility of the person(s) involved in replicating them. I can not be liable for any information or misinformation, wrongful use, damage to personal property, death or any circumstances that result from replication of any projects seen. Be safe!
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This is awesome, can’t help but to think moving the coffee machine would have been far easier though 😂


so satisfying to see efficient engineering saving you so much time and effort


I think a sawzall locomotive is just what this project needs😂


The fact that you managed to get the vernacular system working without spilling the coffee is absolutely astonishing. I am a model train enthusiast but I have never seen anything like this before. There do exist restaurants across the world where the food gets delivered by trains and I have been to them, but this is a different level. More trains please.


I have a suggestion, i can imagine that the coffee is a bit cold after that 2km drive. Why don't you put the coffee machine on the train? Always a hot cup when it arrives :D


As a railwayman of 36+ years and a signalman (signaller these days) since 1992, I absolutely loved this video. I’ve always loved trains; I was a spotter as a kid and I had a model railway in the loft of my old parents house (courtesy of my late father). I guess it was the obvious career choice.😅😇😄 Needless to say this video took me back and you’ve put a huge grin on my face. Thank you very gladly. Trains rule!💯😎 All the best. Simon


As an engineer I understand solving the problem the hardest possible and most expensive way because of the rule of cool. A normal person would just buy a second coffee machine for upstairs.


Absolutely love this, and would love to see more! An idea to improve the balance of the coffee cup wagon might be to 3D print an in-scale tanker wagon to hold the coffee. Theres a type of tank wagon aptly called a TEA wagon that is long and on bogies, making the ride smoother and more stable, with a lower centre of gravity over a longer base. The only issue is the infrastructure at each end of the line would have to be remade. Perhaps a funnel at the Coffee Maker to fill the tanker, and a tap at the bottom of the tanker to empty into the cup at the other end of the line. or a Hopper wagon, same principle but fully open at the top so filling would be easier.

EDIT: A HAA style Hopper wagon might be better overall, but longer and on bogies to accommodate the full espresso shot. And perhaps an inward-curved lip on the top to minimise potential coffee loss from the sloshing at stops and starts.


As a model train enthusiast, very well done. Love seeing some of the older Hornby models too. I would love to see more train related videos by you!


I think a center-depressed flat car would help quite a lot in the center of gravity and clearance issues you were having with the coffee staying on the cup! I know they are typically only used in America, but perhaps its worth a shot?


Great project James, it looks like you unlocked a lot of new skills too! Can you imagine if you had to consider the payloads of the bridges, the steel strength the ground works involved and signalling etc, it's puts into perspective how how complicated our train systems are.


A very cool solution to a problem but let me ask you the obvious question: Why not move the coffee machine to your office?


My love for trains has been something that has spanned my entire life, I always dreamed of having a train in my house that would bring me things such as food, drinks, etc, of course that’s insanely difficult, but this video is the essence of that idea in my eyes, thanks man, loved this video


loved the coffee machine youtube very smart .👍terry


I love that this seemed like a better idea than moving the coffee machine upstairs.


You are a very clever chap...this is amazing...nice to see your vintage Triang/Hornby collection.
This reminds me of a scene in the movie "Thunderbird 6"; the characters were in a restaurant, and they used model trains to bring food to the tables.
Great stuff.😊


"You light weight....!!!" Did this with an LGB in 2003, installing it into an internet cafe we hacked LGB's early digital control software to allow gamers to post orders from the their machines and have the train deliver it to the machines around the main room. First floor over looking the street, we took out pains of glass in the front windows, to run a side line ran on a shelf outside then back in again. It did require making a few holes in the buildings interior walls to run between rooms. The stair solution was class, well done Sir.


You should just make a 10 hour long video of all your beautiful building montage’s on here because I love them


Excellent work James. Would definitely like to see some more train-related projects!


Thank you! I have been trying to find a reference video or inspiration for real life objects with model trains because I wanted to see how I could implement the hobby in purposeful tasks 💯
