Html Template Convert To Laravel

Показать описание
►This tutorial will help you to convert any html template into a Laravel 7 project.

►►Open these links and Use all the require files.

►music : Tobu - Seven [NCS Release]

Thanks for watching see you in the next video stay happy and keep smiling

VM Learning Hub
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hi, grate work.
Laravel 8
i need tutorial video and audio to show and express the code {example 4 user type (super-admin, admin, Data Entry, Data view) and assigning roles and permission also Enable, disables users} but if user register by default (user type "View") and can login based only roles, and permission and also how to add Admin LTE 3 template [ot starter one](sprite Header, footer, contents and left menu side bar) and make routes, Controller and view based on upper requirement ASAP.
and make
8 sub menu
1) Dashboard (Total Expanses, Total Borrows, below Show Reports for all user)
2) Management {User(Create, Edit,Delete,View). Roles(Create, Edit,Delete,View),
Permission(Create, Edit,Delete,View),user Enable, Disables,
Profile} include user photo
3)Expanses (Create, Edit, View)
4)Borrow(Create, Edit, View)
5)Abc(Create, Edit, View)
6)Notification(view based on user Roles, permission)
8)Contact us (Show Software version)
can you share your WhatsApp number to discuses other thing if require
share source code
