How to use RME Audio TotalMix FX - 02 Mixer Interface

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Let’s take a look at the mixer interface. On the top row are the Hardware Input channels. Any signal connected to analog or digital inputs will show up here. The level meters are pre fader, as these are showing the signal hitting the input. Note that the fader here does not control the level sent to recording software. This fader only controls the level sent directly to output for latency free monitoring.

Above the fader you will find the Mute and Solo buttons. If you use these, make sure the master Mute or Solo buttons are active on the right side panel. Above these buttons is the pan knob, and below you get a numerical readout of the signal level.

Click the Tool icon on a channel to access the options. At the top is the Stereo button, allowing you to change between Mono and Stereo fader configurations. Below is the level control, where you can set the sensitivity of the analog input channels. Next is the stereo width control, and below is the FX send for the reverb & delay bus. The MS Processing button allows you to monitor a Mid/Side input signal in true stereo, while capturing the Mid/Side audio in software. At the bottom are switches to flip the phase of the left and right channels.

Input channels with Mic inputs have some extras, such as 48v phantom power and preamp gain controls. The INST button here switches the channel to Instrument mode for use with a guitar or Bass hi-z input.

The Middle row of faders are your software outputs, this is the signal coming out of the DAW or other audio software. These channels have some of the same options as the input row above.

The bottom row faders are your hardware output channels. Some new buttons are available here. There’s a Talkback button that will allow you to assign the channel to receive the Talkback signal when active. There is also loopback button that will send the signal present at the output back as an input signal, allowing you to record the submix, or send one software’s output audio to another software’s input.

The solo buttons are replaced by Cue buttons on the bottom row. Clicking cue on a channel will send the audio directly to the Main output, allowing you to audition any output channel’s audio. If you want the cue to send audio to a Phones mix instead, you can set this up with the Assign button in the control room.
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Great, simple videos. Definitely worth taking the time to learn all this before using. Makes for a smoother workflow.


Thank you. This is what I've been searching for.


Thank you for this.
Any chance of making a BabyFace Pro specific set of Tutorials please?


If you invert phase, is it recording with inverted phase or only for playback


Hello...there is something I do not understand. I am sure it is very easy but I can't figure it out. How should I set up Total Mix Analog 1/2 software playback and "Main" output from the "control room" in a way to be sure that I work on my mixes in a properly and good way? What should be the balance between those two faders? I thought that putting de AN 1/2 software playback fader on zero, and turning down the "Main" fader would be the good way, but it turns out that the playback gets a little bit distorted. It is confusing. If I haven't been working this project with another soundcard, I would have thought there was something bad with the way I worked in my project, but this is not the case. Of course, if I lower the volume on the An 1/2 software playback fader, there is no distortion...but how will I know in future projects if the distortion is cuased by my work or by the way i set up "total mix" ? Thank you and I really wait for your answer.


Question - my Phase button on input channels didnt work - what can i do wrong?


Middle row is "software outputs" - when others in RME Audio video say "software inputs" #staytuned


Quick question. When on Instrument mode with a guitar plugged in, is there a way to set the input gain to less than 9? I’d like to set it to around 1 or 2 but TotalMix doesn’t allow it. Other interfaces allow it. Thanks!


Top Row - Hardware Input Channels [Any single connected to Analog or Digital Inputs will show here]

Any signal connected to analog or digital input will show up here.
The Level meters are showing the signal hitting the output for latency free monitoring. NOT what goes directly into your daw.

Click the tool option on a channel to access options. At the top is the stereo button/mono button


Still no clear answer how to get sound on the phones.


My mix window is not showing ANY of the 4 preamps on my RME FF800. And any mic connected to the onboard preamps is not getting any signal from the recording source. The 4 preamps are not showing in Pro Tools' I/O settings window either. What am I not doing right?


talkback button : ", jshdfgksdflughd:lhflk" Thanks. Same for Loopback button : please write down what you say in these few ten seconds of your talk.


I guess these 'tutorials' are created by engineers. It's too bad I'm not an engineer.


Could you speak quicker - mean slower.
