Parsha in 60 Seconds Presents Chayei Sarah

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Shalom and welcome to the Parsha in 60 seconds
Today's portion is from Genesis 23:1--25:18 it is called Chayei Sarah which means "life of Sarah"

At 127 years old, Sarah died in Hebron and was buried in the cave. Abraham mourned.
Abraham instructed his senior servant to put his hand under Abraham's thigh and swear by God that he would not take a wife for Isaac from the Canaanites, but would go to the land of Abraham's birth to get Isaac a wife.

The servant obeyed. He asked God to grant that the maiden whom he would ask to draw water for him and who replied by offering also to water his camels might be the one whom God had decreed for Isaac. As he finished, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder. BOOM!

After an evening of celebrating the servant was eager to go but Rebekah' parents were hesitant. The servant insisted that they must return to Abraham. Rebekah had the final say and went with the servant.

As they were approaching, Rebechah and Isaac saw each other and it was love at first sight. They were married that evening.

Abraham took another wife. Isaac received all the inheritance. Abraham lived 175 years and died. Isaac and Ishmael buried him with Sarah. After Abraham's death, God blessed Isaac.
Ishmael had 12 sons, who became chieftains of 12 tribes. Ishmael lived 137 years and then died.

And that is Chayei Sarah in 60 seconds.

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Special thanks to Gwenn Danae for the use of "When I Stand" @0:18
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" Religion is regarded by the poor as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful ". Annaneus Senneca


When you've actually experienced what I'm talking about, there is absolutely no denying that it was from Yeshua.
The reason you can't understand the difference between an unlikely phenomenon and a work by the hand of God, is because (I'm willing to wager) you've never actually experienced or witnessed one.

But I think I'm running out of explanations for this.
Here's my answer.
An unlikely and marvelous but possible phenomenon has NO comparison to the work of God.


its cool i gave it a thumbs up you rock


A girlfriend waked up out of coma after three years, so if you lost someone in coma, you might get her/him back to live again. Still my tears are falling like rain, that such tragedies take place. Also when you grow up you loose a lot of people, I know old people who lost all people they have known. And they told me, one day you miss your lost loves one that you ask for heaven. Every one wants to get old, nobody wants to be old, except for a few. Especially powerful and rich people fear.


Finally, someone in the mindless depths of the internet that I can respect.


Exellent, Exellent, really enjoyed it !


What documentation do you have for this opinion?


I love the Old Testament. You can see the faults in kings and leaders similiar to what goes on today with Pastors and Preachers. No one is perfect. Thank you again, I think I dated a girl for one evening long ago who looked like 00:10. lol


The Old Testament... those were weird times XD

Man, I'm so glad Jesus came and cleared everything up.


How can you blame God for wars when we are the ones who screw up and start them? God doesn't cause chaos, he created a perfect world to begin with, then we go and mess it up every time we sin. He simply offers freedom from this, and there is no price tag. God sent his son Jesus to the Earth in human form! He lived a lifetime, and died a miserable death for us! Then rose from the dead, for goodness sake.


GARYKILDALL you sumed it right up perfectly... i enjoyed viewing the slide show and the animations where pretty good


What is very substantial to this educational video "Parsha" is that it combines modern contemporary images thru technology, that which connects to wonderful biblical illustrations that may be very foreign to a non-believer. The only thing is that the script-reading of said narrator is very fast in speed, and this may be difficult for a viewer to absorb. Cognition is vital, but most importantly love in Christ Jesus. Wonderful work, TankBros. I wish you only the best. Blessing, Tyler Lord Hamilton


I'm talking about stories I've heard from other witnesses.
I have seen miracles myself, but not specifically the one with the locust.
But this brings to my attention that you are having trouble understanding what I am talking about. Let me warn you by saying every miracle is going to break the realm of the impossible.
You can't look for an explanation for every single act.
That's why they are miracles.
All I'm saying is that my God is working wonders unlike any other god out there.
just look.


I hope the sick become healthy, the sad become happy, there is a child where is childless, and people will not hurt eachother. Unfortunately people have hurt each other so much, for them there is only revenge, may they although find peace. May people see who is evil and who is good cause in this world evil looks good and good looks evil.


yes, we don't know what happened in the beginning...saying god did it is the same as saying it's santa or magic or "I don't know", but the ones who say it's god, feel like they have the answer, while the rest of us still want to someday get to the truth...


I am an Atheist convert. I once believed in nothing, now I believe in the belief of believing nothing.


nice historical and a lot of info all in a min nice like it good job


And I'm satisfied with my answer.


nice catch. in fact, several commentators throughout jewish history have discussed this at length. the classic interpretation is: Sarah's Life is continued now that Isaac has found a wife to bring about progeny / descendants for Abraham and Sarah.


yes. I thought people sent stuff based on some sort of previous knowledge of likes and dislikes, not just randomly. I wasn't trying to be aggressive.
