Why Study Music Theory?
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I love music theory. That probably goes without saying, considering I make a video about it every week. But should you? What's the point? Especially if you're not a musician yourself, it probably seems like learning theory is more trouble than it's worth. But I'm here to convince you that you should care: Music theory, composition, and arranging are not only fascinating, they make listening to music more fun. They put you inside the minds of your favorite artists and let you rummage around. Trust me, I do it all the time.
Huge thanks to our gold-level Patreon supporters:
Ron Jones
Jill Jones
Susan Jones
Howard Levine
Elaine Pratt
Ken Arnold
And thanks as well to José N., Logan Jones, Henry Reich, and Jdominioni! Your support helps make 12tone even better!
Huge thanks to our gold-level Patreon supporters:
Ron Jones
Jill Jones
Susan Jones
Howard Levine
Elaine Pratt
Ken Arnold
And thanks as well to José N., Logan Jones, Henry Reich, and Jdominioni! Your support helps make 12tone even better!
Why Study Music Theory?
MUSIC THEORY in 12 minutes for nOOBS
How I'd Learn Music Theory (If I Had To Start Over)
Learn music theory in half an hour.
Why Learn Music Theory?
The BASICS Of Music Theory EXPLAINED (in 10 minutes)
The SECRET To Learning Music Theory (even if you HATE it!)
Why Should You Learn Music Theory?
Seriously. What Is Music Theory?
Music Theory is Worth Learning
MUSIC THEORY for guitar
How Dev taught herself music theory
Why You Should (Or Should Not) Learn Music Theory
Why you NEED music theory
Music theory in a nutshell
music theory is witchcraft
How Much Music Theory Do We Really Need?
A Beginner's Guide to Music Theory
Essential Music Theory Every Guitar Player Should Know - Beginner Music Theory Lesson
John Mayer: Is Music Theory Important?
The most ESSENTIAL thing when you're learning music theory (Ep. 1)
What's The Point of Music Theory?
You Only Have to Learn Music Theory Once