Make your perfect pizza with ease!

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Chef Alex makes a perfect pizza utilizing the Univex Sprizza40 pizza spinner and the Univex Dome Oven.
The sprizza, not involving any heat or pressure, naturally spins the dough out from the center, giving you the naturally risen outer edge in your crust. The machine will take your doughball and expand it to 85% of the way to its final size, with the last 10-15% being hand finished with extreme consistency.
The dome oven, will cook a pizza at 650* F in roughly 90 seconds. Univex dome ovens utilize 9" thick walls, which allows the oven to retain and distribute heat very well. This also allows the oven to require lower BTU's than other ovens, saving the customer on utility costs.
#pizza #pizzamaking #PizzaSpinner #PizzaOven #DomeOven #SprizzaSpinner
The sprizza, not involving any heat or pressure, naturally spins the dough out from the center, giving you the naturally risen outer edge in your crust. The machine will take your doughball and expand it to 85% of the way to its final size, with the last 10-15% being hand finished with extreme consistency.
The dome oven, will cook a pizza at 650* F in roughly 90 seconds. Univex dome ovens utilize 9" thick walls, which allows the oven to retain and distribute heat very well. This also allows the oven to require lower BTU's than other ovens, saving the customer on utility costs.
#pizza #pizzamaking #PizzaSpinner #PizzaOven #DomeOven #SprizzaSpinner