Crow Is Smarter Than A 7 Year Old

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Crows are some of the most intelligent animals in the world, they can solve a complex problems better than a 7 year old human

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The weirdest thing is that some crows will make a noise near a person they know just to see their reaction.


Crows don’t just hold grudges, they also do the opposite and hold favor for people who have been nice to them. They will even bring people gifts of shiny stuff they find!


I heard that not only can they remember a person and hold a grudge against them, but they can communicate this to their friends so crows you've never seen before will also hold a grudge against you.


Every day, a little girl would drop her food outside when eating lunch, as toddlers do. The crows always ate the food & the little girl loved it. So, mom put up a bird feeder & the crows started leaving gifts in the feeder to thank them - an earring, ring, button, etc. As she grew older, the mother & girl continued to feed the crows & receive gifts in return. Many years later, the mom had a photo shoot a mile away from their home & accidentally left her lens cap in an alley. The next day, her lens cap was in the bird feeder! The crow returned it!
Crows can remember a person’s face for at least 20yrs. If you’re nice to them, they’ll return the favor & may even leave gifts & will tell their friends & family. If you’re mean to them, they’ll remember & tell all their friends & family. So be nice to crows!


I was having lunch in an outdoors restaurant. Some kids dropped bread pieces on the ground. A crow came to pick on them and took a piece that was too hard. He took that hard piece, flew on to a water fountain next to us, dipped the bread into the water, held it with his beak until the bread softened and then ate it. It was absolutely beautiful and fascinating.


A crow in my yard for years said hello to me one morning after I'd been saying it to him for about 6 months. Still blown away by that boy.


I remember when I was little ( I'm 70 years old now) we had a crow as a pet. his name was Barney. He could talk and mimic a dog barking. When my little brother was sick he would lay on the couch during the day to watch TV. Barney would come in and sit on the arm of the couch and "talk" to my brother.


You left out my fave part. they have language . One crow can describe something in detail to another crow with laungue so that the other crow can then recognize something that they have never seen themselves.


Not only do they hold grudges, but they gossip about them, and the grudges spread


They will rat you out to other crows too if you're mean to them; on top of that, the grudge they carry will last for several generations of crow descendants. It also goes the other way if you go out of your way to be kind to them, they'll remember you as a homie for a long time.


I used to give almonds to a group of magpies at work. Eventually they figured out what truck I drove, and the whole group would hang out on or nearby it, then follow me out of the parking lot every day. They never pooped on my truck. Though once, a coworker followed me outside on lunch to yell at me. The magpies proceeded to poop on his car daily. It was glorious.


Crows are such beautiful creatures, and smart as a whip. A group of them hangs out near a mall I go to sometimes and I always share my lunch with them - they catch food I throw to them out of the air! They're wonderful, it's a delight to behold.


I befriended a few crows 3 years ago (really cold weather in my area) by bringing them food every day to the empty field near my settlement. They recognise me no matter what I wear, they have found where exactly I live and wait for me every day on the roof opposite my window and recently they started bringing me "gifts" (scraps of shiny foil, buttons etc) on my windowsill 😃 Oh! And they love dogs'food 😆


I was doing laundry one day and went outside to hang up some clothes. I accidentally dropped a sock and a crow immediately started to laugh at me


My mom used to feed a crow on her kitchen window, when I was very young. He would come at the same time every single day in the morning and get his snack. Then we had to suddenly flee our home due to terrorism and insurgency and my mother wept several times thinking about our crow friend. It still makes me cry to think that it would have arrived every day and found nobody to give him his snack :(


I remember of a story about a guy who made a cardboard vending machine in his apartment balcony that dispenses nuts and crackers in exchange for cash and coin. The Crows in the neighborhood watched this happen and began a small crime ring around his apartment. The funny thing is, the machine doesn't need the coin to function. You just twist the lever and food comes out. But the crows never realized and kept bringing him money in exchange for small chunks of food.


They are also very naughty. They initiate cat and dog fights. Man these birds are so under appreciated.


Crows and Ravens actually make good pets and are very loyal. I consider myself lucky if one decides to interact with me


He forgot to add, along with facial memory, they can also mimic voices and sounds from almost anything they hear
