Reviewing Glycolic Acid Skincare Hacks | Doctorly Explains

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00:00 Intro
01:36 What is Glycolic Acid
03:10 Hack #1
06:35 Hack #2
07:30 Products to use
08:03 Hack #3
09:49 Hack #4
12:23 What's going on??
13:00 Final Thoughts

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided in this video is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a physician regarding any health-related diagnosis or treatment.
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Sometimes I can't believe how the creators upload videos at the very moment when I am dealing with the given topic. Thank you


I just love it when educated people receive the attention they deserve for their knowledge.


I’ve been using the ordinary glycolic acid on my thighs and bikini area for ingrown hairs for a while!!! It’s SO HELPFUL.


I love the background lighting in the background. So calming and beautiful


Glycolic acid has made my skin so freaking beautiful. I look younger than what I used to look and I have a great glow.


I used to have dark elbows and knees. I resolved it by moisturising regularly, then going over that with oil. So basically high moisture and locking it in to soften the skin. But also, less kneeling on my bare knees and not leaning on my elbows on tables. So basically, reducing contact with hard surfaces. I haven't managed to remove darkness fully from my face yet, so will test out this acid.


I use TO Glycolic Toner for armpits once a week, for exfoliating and killing bacteria that makes oils smell, after 1 minute I wash it off and use an antipespirant.


12:10 I like how they're actually only presenting the things that they're sure of and not feeding us with false information.


Just wanna say I’m truly grateful for your content. It’s amazing how we get free access to your expertise and derm information, in a fun and approachable way. Thank you for all that you do for us!


putting a glycolic acid toner in a spray bottle can be useful for using it in the underarm area, legs, etc. some good affordable glycolic acid toners are the ordinary, versed has one that comes in a refill size, good molecules, etc. if you decide to use glycolic acid on your scalp/hair, be careful not to put your hair in a bun, ponytail, etc. i used glycolic acid on my scalp and put my hair in a bun, and it caused major breakage in my hair. might want to use it and then rinse out after a couple of mins.
skincare is personal, so figure out what works best for you and your body. what works for some people might not work for others.


I’ve been using the ordinary glycolic acid with Kerasal on my feet and it really helped my calluses especially thickened skin in the heels. I follow with lotion then aquaphor ointment


I stopped deodorant or antiperspirant years ago. Only using the The Ordinary Glycilic acid under my armpits. Never ever having any irritation, only once aweek is enough. And as soon as it starts a bit smelling, one spritz of it: all gone immediately. I feel so much safer with that stuff than with the usual products with that purpose.


I’ve tried different methods of hair removal for my legs: shaving, waxing (soft & hard), epilating, and not one method is able to keep me from having ingrown hairs. I bought the glycolic acid and only applied for 3 consecutive nights and I am happy to report the amiunt of ingrown hairs have decreased tremendously!


I've been using glycolic acid every night now for a month. My skin has almost cleared up, my pores are looking lighter, my skintone is more even. I can't even believe it. I intend to keep using it long term because it's been working so well with my skin. I used to use it before and it irritated my skin to the point of bleeding, but after working on my repairing my skin barrier, I'm able to use it every night.


AHHH THANK YOU! can you do a short video on gray hairs & ways to delay it (other than distressing & assuming early gray hairs are not hereditary) pls :) would love to hear ur take on this!


I love The Ordinary on my scalp, but use it as a pre-shampoo treatment a few times a month. I just leave it on for 10 mins or so, then gently massage my scalp before shampooing. I think it's really helpful for just overall scalp health? Not necessarily for dandruff specifically but it's just helped make things up there feel healthy under all that hair! My mom used to use Seabreeze as a scalp treatment for us in the summer when we were dirty, dirty kids, and this feels like the upgrade version of that!


been use glycolic & salicylic acids on my underarms for years (Nip/fab brand pre-moistened cotton rounds). Works awesome when waxing to prevent in-growns.


I use glycolic acid under my arms after a shower before using deodorant. I use aluminum free ones. Sometimes in the past when I would use aluminum deodorants for even just a day ir two for events like a wedding etc where I didn’t want to sweat after I went back to using aluminum free I noticed just one or two uses of “ regular “ aluminum deodorant had clogged my pores so much. I’ve been doing this for years and every time the same things happen but they don’t look clogged to the naked eye until I stop using it and my pores start clearing. Acids under the armpits on the feet body etc for me are a 100% yes. I think most dermatologists might shy away from it because they’re always extremely concerned about irritation and patient complaints about irritation etc. and there’s not a lot of data currently, but it works. I think if you’re not completely daft you can use it and be fine. Like with every product start with a low percentage and patch test. Some people may need once a week some a few times a week. Some a very low percentage some a little higher percentage. As long as your armpits don’t look red or raw or irritated it’s fine. Just pay attention to your body and skin since we’re all so different. I also like to hydrate the area periodically under my arms to keep it soft and barrier protection there as well. My deodorant also is gentle so it doesn’t interact. If you’re new to an acid under the arm pits don’t use it right after you shave at first until you know you can tolerate it. You can also start with a glycolic or salicylic body wash under the arms first before you transition to an after shower leave on acid to see how it works with your skin. Everyone’s different if it doesn’t work for you don’t use it. ❤️


Guys glycolic acid works ! I bought it two days ago, use it on my under arms, knees for darkness aswell, I don’t smell on my underarms anymore I actually tried that back I haven’t used deodorant !!


I am thrilled to hear that Dr. Maxfield is interested in more info for hair. For so long most Dr.’s I’ve talked to about thinning hair which started in my 30’s had no idea why and basically said it happens with age. We need more help!
