Breakthrough HEAT Engine Is GAME-CHANGING!

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Karno has revealed a linear piston manufactured heat engine which has relatively high power to weight ratios. Will this displace combustion engines or is there a tradeoff to the Stirling cycle?

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As soon as saw the intro I thought "That's a Stirling engine type.


Hi mate. I actually love your content but think for your sake you should change tack a bit. When I originally saw your channel in my suggestions, I thought it was another sham channel immediately because the channel name is basically screaming "I'm AI garbage". Digital engine sounds like a clever name for a content farm.

The titles also need to be tamed down. You're trying to bring views but it's doing the opposite, no more "game changers" etc etc. No serious engineering channel does this and you're too intelligent to waste your talent on becoming "one of them". I and any other serious engineers and scientists would block this channel out of principle.

I watched anyway thankfully and was very impressed. I don't think you're getting the love you deserve for your effort and am trying to help here mate. Merry xmas to ya buddy.


Great review of these engine types. You hit a lot of the major players and additive manufacturing issues. The Karno design from Hyliion was bought from GE. Originally it was planned to ULTIMATELY be used in a semi truck but once the company built some prototype trucks with the Karno and traditional ICEs, they decided to drop the TRUCK projects probably because of the high cost to manufacture a complete truck. I always felt that the Karno’s power to size / weight ratio was unfavorable for a truck. Also scaling up the power output and manufacturing larger versions is somewhat problematic (both from a thermodynamic & an additive manufacturing standpoint). It is possible to get higher thermal efficiency with existing ICEs (55% vs Karno’s ~50%) with a bottoming cycle also. Hyliion is now pushing it as a stationary generator (oil field gas that is normally flared). Maybe the biggest selling point is potential low maintenance due to its helium gas bearing (the working fluid).

An interesting concept to add more efficiency to various types of engines is to have a topping / pre cycle (name?) of a high temperature fuel cell.

Also a way to employ high compression with a gaseous fuel like methane (low reactivity) is to use a highly reactive pilot fuel like diesel. This concept is being used in various ICEs (trucks and marine).

Keep up the great work.


2:00 its not Nitrous oxide(N2O) that's the issue. Its oxides of nitrogen(NOx) that are the things produced by high temps in engines. Everyone gets this wrong including wikipedia.


I think pushing the boundaries of tech and practicality are how solutions are identified, whether those solutions are more conventional or more extreme, and "failed" tech often still gives us ideas for the future


You could place the engine from the front to the rear. You do not need the engine bay anymore so it could be a radical different type of car-body design. For instance wider and shorter, or more narrow but higher.


Stirling 'hot air' engines have been around since 1816...they pre-date many steam engine designs.
The 'down-side' to Stirlings is they get their best performance only at certain speeds.
For a generator, they are about perfect.
NASA has flown them to space on more than one occasion.


You always have the mostest under the radar cool tech. Merry Christmas.


Enjoyed video. I'm a little surprised this concept hasn't gotten more hype in recent years. Linear generator piston engine, e.g., "free piston", concept goes back decades (Sandia; space stuff). There are actually numerous mechanical implementations of the concept possible with the new technologies available with additive manufacturing, complex digital control systems, and material. Furthermore, with the power architectures exemplified by the range of electric vehicles today, this concept can be implemented in unique ways. Designs are no longer restricted to a "traditional" IC engine layout of a "compact" engine/transmission power train. A hybrid like architecture also solves the throttle response issue (the bane combustion processes in traditional thermodynamic cycles). System efficiency at the vehicle level can be improved, but the fundamental limitation on Carnot thermal efficiency (needs high temperature/pressure essentially) due to combustion pollutants still remains. But, if one is clever, there may be a market. After all, there is no reason one can't have a 1 foot diameter, 5 foot long hybrid IC piston/linear generator/response leveling battery power module down the center of a vehicle. Just try to balance the efficiencies of mechanical, thermal, and synergistic vehicle packaging.


Before this generation used "Epic" for every new it is " Game Changing" over & over & over being "over" used. YAW !


@2:12 It's wafting electrons. They need to wrap some electrical tape around it.


Seems like a good idea for the future of cargo shipping


that motion.
almost looks like an elevator shaft! 🤔


This is an German thing. We used it for making compressed air for torpedoes insted of making electricity same working principles. Remember there was a ww2 German stamp on it. Working great.


learned about free piston engines in HS in the 60s.


This is very interesting. But, reducing nitrogen output isn’t something to worry about.


Very interesting! And exciting to see some progress on this design. However probably still too heavy for OpenAirShips.


They misspelled it - it's not Karno ... it's Carnot!


Durability. Serviceability. Environmentally sustainability. If it’s a good package it will happen.


Marry the reactor with the Rondo heat battery...
