The Fairly Oddparents Episode Butch Hartman APOLOGIZED For Making?

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Timmy Turner came to a depressing realization in an episode of The Fairly Oddparents, which goes down as one of the most infamous in the series. Butch Hartman supposedly apologized for making it, but why? What makes It's A Wishful Life one of the darkest stories?

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Hey Cosmo and Wanda, I wish this episode didn't exist


I blame this episode for why Timmy became more selfish in later episode's, think about it if you were shown as a kid that the world was better off without you I would stop giving a damn about everything too.


"Timmy is a selfish character."

Given his upbringing and how he's constantly left with an abusive babysitter, parents who actively wish he wasn't a thing, a teacher who would fail him even if he gota perfect score on a test, can you really blame him for being a little selfish?


*Here is why the moral of this episode doesn't work:*

Jorgan claims that Timmy was only doing good deeds just to get a positive reaction from his friends and peers, but even though he was hoping to be appreciated back, the things Timmy did were still incredibly thoughtful, and the fact that his friends didn't at least _try_ to be grateful makes _them_ the selfish ones, NOT TIMMY.


Butch Hartman should be sorry for the cartoon that he charging 130$ for


Imagine if there was a part in the episode where Tootie starts crying because there is no boy that she likes.


I can appreciate the message this episode was trying to get across; do good deeds from the kindness of your heart, and not just because you'll get rewarded. But yes, the execution was poorly handled. Perhaps if they didn't go with the "if I was never born" trope it would have worked better.


This episode's right about Crocker. Timmy really did ruin his life with that time-traveling episode.


Jorgan Always screws things up like the wish muffin, putting fairy world over a giant bucket of acid, and the fairy shortage crap


"depression didn't exist when I was a kid" - Butch Hartman -
"I will create a depressive cartoon for kids!" - Also Butch Hartman -


“Let’s forget this episode ever existed.”
Me: *No, I don’t think I will.*


Is it just me or does it sound like the wish ‘“I wish I was never born”, would go ageist the Da Rules?


Honestly, you can't really blame Timmy for being selfish. Growing up with negligent parents that leave you with a sadistic babysitter, constantly getting ridiculed in school, etc. would screw up anyone.

I feel like Cosmo and Wanda being around is the one thing that kept him from ending it all.


Yeah, this episode messed me up. I remember asking my mom if she thought she would be better off without me. I'm pretty sure it still effects me as a teenager

Edit: mom said she wouldn't be better off, btw. Thanks mom


I really hate the moral with the context of the episode. Timmy did All those good deeds only for everyone to act privileged or say "you ruined it you insensitive jerk!" When he ceased to exist, everyone lives were drastically improved, so it makes sense for Timmy to disappear as an act of one final good deed. His literal existence brought so much suffering to the people around him. It's like Flash Paradox with Flash's mom.

To those who never read the comic or saw the animated movie. Flash had lost his mom at a young age, so he went back in time to save her. His mom was able to survive to present, but her existence ruined the entire world. Half of Europe's population was drowned, half of Africa's population was murdered by Gorilla Grodd, India is ruled by a druglord, Nazis took over South America, and a lot of our heroes are dead. All because she was allowed to live. Can you imagine all the word's suffering originating from literally you, and your death would be the greatest thing to ever happen?

Back to Timmy's story, it would have been better if his friends and family did not acknowledge all the hard work at first which angered Timmy for not getting recognition. Timmy would believe the world wouldn't change nor miss him if he disappear. There, we have Jorgon telling Timmy how he did impacted the world on a personal level, his friends and family. Timmy learned that he would break a lot of hearts as he made a significant void to his love ones. Timmy wished everything went back to normal and his friends and family did acknowledge the deeds done by Timmy but never thanked him. Timmy is okay with that because he doesn't care about recognition. He cares about helping and doing what's right for the sake of it. A lot better than the unintentionally implied idea of committing suicide because your existence cause all the suffering around you.


This episode was completely 110% Meansprited.


This is just like Lauren Faust apology over foster home for imaginary friends, episode everyone knows its bendy where that one terrible episode, that caused getting the show negative reputation in the wiki said.


Oh my gosh, I remember this episode, and I really wish I didn't. This was the one episode I watched as a kid that genuinely made me feel sad and really confused by the end of it. I didn't understand how
Timmy could be alright after seeing that LITERALLY EVERYONE would be better without him. And it made me so upset to see how unfairly everyone was treating Timmy at the beginning.

This was probably one of the most (if not THE most) mean-spirited episode in the series (besides that one episode that ends with Timmy gleefully watching as Vicky is about to be killed by a steam roller). Left a bitter taste in my mouth, man. Still does. :/


Timmy: I wish I was never born!
Butch Hartman: I don't believe in suicidal thoughts


I feel like there is always something up with Butch Hartman remember oasis.

Edit: ok some of you are saying its Oaxis sorry for the mistake but we know what i am talking about.
