Webinar: Focused Ultrasound and Alzheimer's Disease

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In recognition of World Alzheimer’s Day, the Focused Ultrasound Foundation partnered with USAgainstAlzheimer’s and the Global Alzheimer’s Platform Foundation to host a special webinar on focused ultrasound for Alzheimer’s disease on September 20, 2022.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a looming health crisis and, according to the US Centers for Disease Control, there are approximately 6 million people in the US aged 65 or older living with AD. This number is projected to nearly triple by 2060. It is estimated that the cost associated with treating the disease in the US could reach $500 billion annually by 2040.

00:00 Introduction
03:12 Presentation: George Vradenburg
09:21 Presentation: Nir Lipsman, MD, PhD
18:26 Presentation: Arjun (JJ) Desai, MD
32:03 Presentation: Sandra Black, OC, O.Ont., MD, FRSC
01:02:14 Q&A
01:13:08 Conclusion


Sandra Black, OC, O.Ont., MD, FRSC
A renowned neurologist, senior scientist, and director of the Dr. Sandra Black Centre for Brain Resilience & Recovery at Sunnybrook Research Institute in Toronto, Dr. Black discusses the current status of AD treatments and the potential of focused ultrasound to overcome current barriers.

Nir Lipsman, MD, PhD
A neurosurgeon at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, director of the Harquail Centre of Neuromodulation at Sunnybrook and a leading researcher in focused ultrasound and Alzheimer's disease, Dr. Lipsman provides an overview of progress with FUS and AD, highlighting current clinical trials.

Arjun (JJ) Desai, MD
Insightec’s Chief Strategic Innovation Officer Arjun (JJ) Desai, MD, highlights the innovative Florida Brain State Initiative, a collaboration between three prominent medical schools in Florida, state government, and industry (Insightec) to fund a multicenter-focused ultrasound clinical trial for and AD.

John R. Dwyer, Jr.
President of the Global Alzheimer’s Platform Foundation

George Vradenburg
Chairman and co-founder of USAgainstAlzheimer’s


Suzanne LeBlang, MD


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I am extremely intrigued. My 64 year old mother was diagnosed with MCI, Alzheimers 2 years ago. A well known Nashville hospital has given her the "it's progressive, nothing you can do...we'll monitor your progression." She is not of this mindset, as am I and my father. How do we explore this option for her?


this is progressing hella slow . it should be an emergency priority


The one from Storz its not ultrasound. It’s base on focus shock wave. It base on 4 hz pulses. So not ultrasound


Hi ... is this will be cure for Parknson ?
