Your Child's Endoscopy: What to Expect

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We know that an endoscopy can be stressful for you and your child. That's why we created the video "Your Child's Endoscopy: What to Expect." We hope this video will answer your questions, alleviate your fears, and help you plan for your child’s endoscopy.
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I had an endoscopy today and when i was wheeled back to my ward afterward four players from a national rugby team came in and surprised me! They gave me free tickets to their game. I wasn't even nervous before i went in. I was actually really excited


Thank you so much for making this video. My 9 year old son is TERRIFIED to have an endoscopy and this video is EXACTLY what we needed to help him hopefully be more comfortable with having it. It was done for a child’s Perspective and shows exactly what’s done. I hope this will help calm his nerves.


Thank you! I'm getting a endoscopy in three days, this made me have a lot of relief.


I wish they had a program like that 50 years ago. I was just phobic of hospitals and knew what the letter "H" was before I started kindergarten. My parents couldn't drive on any streets where a hospital was located. Keep up the fantastic work.


My 11 year old has one today. Your video helped. Thank you little one.


I was 7 when I got my surgery done (many years ago) I was tired after the procedure. I was put on anestishia then when I woke up I kept falling asleep on the bed after my whole family was telling me to get up. Thank God I got a wheel chair ride because I fell asleep on the last wheel chair ride too.


I had a endoscopy when i was 10 and i was surprisingly not scared until the last second. But if course i had Anastasia so i fell asleep. I woke up and felt fine. But to those who will get an endescopy, dont b scared because you’ll wake up and u are in an hospital. U r safe. ❤️


Wow she is so brave! I would be screaming my brains out if I had to do any type of surgery!


Oh how brave of this girl God bless her hope shes ok❤️


I had one of these done... twice, and after they did it, my throat felt real funny. Most of the time, you are awake for these things, especially if you're an adult.


Today I found out I have to get one done, and I freaked out. Plus it was the day before school. I'm super nervous, but this video helped a lot. I'm just nervous about the IV and the a tube going down my throat. Anyone else?? I just pray to god I don't have celiac disease


I had my endoscopy yesterday! It’s totally fine- nothing is sore not even the needles... I had my sleep medicine through A needle like in my arm which felt weird but was fine and soon as I fell asleep!
Good luck! x
(Edit I have lost my voice tho since my throat hurts but that’s it)


I had an endoscopy, but they cut one of my organs and I started bleeding on the inside, and I got a hematoma. I had to stay in the hospital for 3 weeks and I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything. I was 9. It was awful. But it doesn’t happen to a lot of people, and my doctor was just being lazy.


Thank you I’m getting one in two days this was really helpful cause I️ was really scared but now I️ feel a lot better!


I have no idea why I’m watching this lol. I got one when I was 12 and might have to get another one soon. I’m almost 19. It’s not that bad, just the vibe of hospitals is scary in general... I was definitely not smiling going on the operating room lol


I'm getting one next week and hope it's nothing to be worried about. I've been in surgery lots of times for fractured bone reconstruction in several parts of my body and none were bad.


This helped me much😍 I was 100% scared, but now I am 10%😁 I am getting it tomorrow so hopefully it goes well🙂THANK YOU


So idk if someone who needs it will see it but for these there’s nothing to worry about procedure wise. Soar throats often happen, I know that some hospitals give iVs with the mask or just and iV. For a general endo this is correct

I went to a hospital to get eye surgery! I had something called a chalazion, it’s a bump underneath your eyelid cause from stuff getting in your eye and getting into there. It got pretty big to the point where I could see Only 50% on my right eye. Here’s the story:
So on a Friday in 5:00 in the morning, we went to the hospital and sat in a waiting room, when they called me in, she checked how tall I was, how much I weigh, and my age and birth. I got dressed in my hospital gown and sat on the bed waiting for the doctor to come. When the doctor came, she got me into the room and laid me down on a bed, I had a nice warm blanket. The nurses and doctors complimented my earrings and put the anesthesia mask on me and soon I felt numb and fell asleep. The surgery was about 30 minutes to 1 hour long. When we were done, the doctor rolled me on my bed into the room with my parents. A couple minutes after that, my mom carried me into the car.
WARNING! Don’t read if u get sick easily!!! So when we got in the car I was super nauseous and I threw up all over the car floor. We stopped at a gas station to clean up and we went home and that’s my story!


I was super scared but when I saw the video it made me feel better :)
