Warframe - Duviri Melee Weapons Ranked Best To Worst

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#Warframe #Duviri #Melee
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I'd really like to see a ranking of these melees while they are wielded by the Drifter


Huge missed opportunity to reuse the stance overrides from the archon weapons to give us the drifter heavy attacks.


Syam was the coolest when it could deflect projectiles. I was so sad when they removed that from the frame version ):


im very dissapointed the syam is not at least ranked second place, that thing can be amazing and even overpowered when build right, not to mention super fun


I know this is a tier list and nich uses dont impact the result that is based on endgame viability but for those like me starting out and willing to spend some plat to try the new stuff asap, sampotes is crazy good in normal star chart lvling, any of these will carry you throw starchart but slam spam sampotes will also break any resources and crates to help you start pilling up on resources as you will need those and it takes some time to have acess to extractors


I'm a new player and I picked sampotes first because i thought it has highest damage. Its heavy slam looks very OP to me, you can spam it and it makes multiple slams forward that sometimes go through walls, but everywhere I go people say that it's the worst duviri weapon and now I'm afraid of how strong the other ones will be when I buy them if it's true


DE needs to rework impact and puncture to be scalable,


Love the Orbiter Fashion- Great video as always!


I often use a heavy attack Syam, but not for Slash - for the Heat shockwaves on a standing heavy. I always hear that it should be bad, but I've taken the thing into Steel Path before and it actually does surprisingly well. Not to mention that if you pick up Kullervo and begin sending out wall-hacking 70-meter-range red crit shockwaves with the Syam's pretty good critical multiplier, you can even use the thing for Archon Hunt Disruption (but remember to armor strip since this doesn't use Slash to bypass armor). Even without Kullervo, against most enemies before Steel Path, this will just mow down all of them in a straight line in front of you, and it'll do decently in early Steel Path.

Beware, though: The shockwaves are inconsistent, sometimes you can fire them off in a narrow or short space and the waves will warp into the ceiling, missing everything in front of you. The waves can run up stairs and climb up many vertical or near-vertical surfaces, though not all of them, and you can often fire the waves through walls. THIS IS CONSIDERED SILENT AND COULD GIVE YOU STEALTH BONUS.

It's fun to use and it might outperform your actual guns in ranged combat if you don't bring something good. The one downside is that it makes an OBNOXIOUS NOISE on every heavy attack.


Feedback for your video


+You name the nr 1 weapons first which is good for players that want to know which ones to get first.
+Short video and to the point and yet easy to follow.

Improbements to be made:

-also cover how good they are for Drifter gameplay because that's what players are more likely to look for first.

-leave builds for the full video and links down below for the full video.

I think most people that would watch this video, would watch it to judge which ones to get first. In that case the build is not as important as the other information. Which could leave you that bit of time to for example show off the heavy attack mechanics.


I am here for the Sampotes updates after a few runs with it in Dante's update. That thing is a beast when you build it for maximum raw damage, even the shockwave kill stuff and if enemies are immune to being rocket to the sky, the will take multiple shockwaves and EXPLODE


The best is the MIGHTY SEER but most people can't use it as a melee yet


Do you know the best place to get sword stances for the nikana type weapons? (like the syam)


Stil haven't got any of them. Pathos clamp farm is kinda wack IMO and I hope we get an alternate way to earn them


They really need to do something about the physical status effects so slash impact puncture.
They should scale different because slash is just good for everything and leaves the other 2 behind. In my opinion i already had enough with the viral slash builds. I actualy would like to go different elements.

For me it would be totaly okay if they would nerf slash especialy against grineer.

Plus they should do something about cold aswell because its the most useless element in the game. Its only good to have viral.


You may say the Sampotes isn't the most intuitive weapon but seeing enemies in Steel Path get absolutely bodied from the Super Slam is the most fun I've had in Warframe in a long time.


Can we get the Excalibur Umbra’s Skiajati as the next Warframe Weapon Encyclopedia?


Title of this video is kinda misleading, I thought it ment these weapons ranked in Duviri, where the order is almoust reversed (not quite but Syam is 1st).


Switch boreal contempt with co trust me its a lot better


I like the sampotes cause the riposte animation after you parry an enemy has you demolish their nuts and it's never not funny to me
