An Easy Way to Handle Tattletaling

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Tattletales, complainers, and “informers” are sometimes looking for attention. Here’s how I handle them.

For more information, or to book Polly Bath for your school, district, collaborative, or professional organization:
Call Cristia Lesher Associates LLC at 603-632-5834.

Polly Bath is a much-loved consultant, trainer, and keynote speaker. She helps schools dramatically reduce behavior problems, increase student SEL skills, and build strong school cultures supportive of all learners. Her strategies include strengthening teacher behavior and SEL toolboxes; building strong behavior Tiers 1, 2, 3; and building school-wide systemic approaches to behavior and SEL.
Рекомендации по теме

I have a younger primary classroom and I don't even entertain tattles. I don't do "tattle monsters" or anything cutesy to curb tattles. I just say "Ok thank you for letting me know. I'll keep an eye on it"...or if it's two kids who just bicker constantly, I just tell them I don't have the time to listen to tattles and walk away! lol! Love your videos btw
