2021 Harley-Davidson Pan America Special (RA1250S)│ Extended 'First Ride' and Review

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The long-awaited Harley-Davidson entry into the Adventure Touring world has finally arrived. Many questions surround the Motor Company's first true ADV bike called the Pan America. Can it measure up to the established competition? Will the Core Harley-Davidson enthusiasts be interested or turned off? Take a 2 day extended test ride out in the California Mojave desert with Matt and Andrew of Laidlaw's Harley-Davidson as they put the bike through the paces. They weigh-in on their thoughts and take the Pan America for a Ride!

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I ride a BMW GS1250 and glad to see Harley entering into this market segment. As always Matt, great and honest review and look forward to seeing the production models. I bet when folks saw my opening line they thought I was going to rail on the Harley. Nope, I love anything two wheeled and the reason we have different manufacturers is because we are all different with different needs. Good on Ya Harley, keep up the good work.


This is so freaking cool. I still love the M8 Fat Boy the most, but it is so cool to see Harley pushing to make history again.
In a competitive nature.


The motorcycle press has been incredibly favorable so far toward the Pan America. I'm really happy to see that. The enthusiasm Andrew here has for the Pan America is so obvious! His facial expressions say it all! I will own this bike in the near future!


I’m so frickin PUMPED.... I’m being told I am getting the first Pan-Am North of San Francisco and can’t wait for the call from my dealership saying, “your bike is ready”.... Thanks Matt, I’ve not been this excited for anything since my kid was born. This is the motorcycle that will check many boxes on my bucket list.


Matt, well done video. I'm your target market, I own a 1200 ADV bike and a 650 dualsport. Did a 120 mile gravel ride today. I tried buying a HD in 1996 and above list pricing strategy turned me away. The only thing that will kill this bike is Harley stereotypes and not welcoming the ADV rider community. Make welcoming non-Harley riders a priority and you'll achive achieve something.


I hope Harley-Davidson sells a ton of these bikes. Awesome tech at a category leading price point. I think it’s the right bike at the right time


Their lightest
Their most powerful
Beautiful & innovative !! 👍🏼
Way to go Harley ! You nailed it !!


"Where does that dirt road go?" This is why I got into Dual and ADV riding.


Looks like a great bike to take up to Prudhoe Bay, AK!


I appreciate your honesty especially concerning the windscreen and control buttons. It's easy to hype everything you sell but your honesty gave me confidence that this was a genuine review. Thank you.


Totally agree with the comments on this video. I had the pleasure of taking one of this for a test ride this morning…. Man I know what I’m getting next!!


Love it. I'm a Harley cruiser faithful, but cannot wait to finally have one of these!! Thanks Matt!!


Hi Matt, I am new to the channel. I always liked the adventure bikes but never excited about the leading adventure bikes looks and it seems in the way of functionality. For instance, imagine leading bike without their monograms, it is difficult to recognize their DNA in the herd. I love the the complete Harley Davidson Pan America. I think Harley logo on the tank and carry over to head lamp facia is genius. Well done HD and the team of creative in touch with the world. In short with all the creative and autonomous features, I think it is a Michael Jordan, a leatherman tool, Jeep Rubicon of motorcycle world. Thanks for sharing awesome video.


So happy to see HD nail one like that. Gosh I look forward to ride mine.


Nice. When Matt stands up on that thing I swear he could see over the other side of the mountains.


This is going to be a great addition to the HD lineup


Superb presentation thank you. I have reserved a PA Special to go with my CVO Road Glide. Mixing it up!


Man... What a review. What a blast 👍.
Credit where credit is due.. Damn... looks like they nailed it from the go.
Let's see what the HD knockers have to ssy about this. Awesome review guys.


Great video, Matt! Harley-Davidson knocked it out of the park with this model! Anyone who loves to get out into the wilderness and take off, this is for you! From trail riding to the street, this has it ALL! This is my next bike! Thank you for the info you gave us all; I am so happy to see Harley dealers doing videos about the great features these bikes have to offer; with that said, Harley dealers can give us their personal experiences on what to expect and how to apply the various features. FTW!


Ah I’ve been waiting for this review for so long!! Ok no more pinching it’s real.. it’s here... ah
