Descartes Ontological Argument

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The Ontological Argument is one of the oldest arguments for the existence of God. Using a priori logic it attempts to prove the existence of God through the concept of God himself. Descartes developed his version of the Ontological argument during the 4th Meditation whilst he was pondering upon the nature of the material objects. Watch as George and John discuss Descartes very interesting argument as to why he believes God well and truly does exist.
Get the Philosophy Vibe Descartes Meditations eBook, available on Amazon:
For an overview and introduction to Philosophy check out the Philosophy Vibe Anthology paperback set, available worldwide on Amazon:
Volume 1 – Philosophy of Religion
Volume 2 - Metaphysics
Volume 3 – Ethics and Political Philosophy
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Get the Philosophy Vibe Descartes Meditations eBook, available on Amazon:
For an overview and introduction to Philosophy check out the Philosophy Vibe Anthology paperback set, available worldwide on Amazon:
Volume 1 – Philosophy of Religion
Volume 2 - Metaphysics
Volume 3 – Ethics and Political Philosophy
#descartes #ontologicalargument #philosophy
Descartes Ontological Argument
Descartes' Trademark Proof of God - Philosophy Tube
'I Think, Therefore God Exists' | The Ontological Argument (AFG #5)
René Descartes - Meditation #5 - The Ontological Proof of God's Existence
18.05 Descartes's Ontological Argument - The Argument
Anselm & the Argument for God: Crash Course Philosophy #9
3 Ontological argument from Rene Descartes
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18.03 Descartes's Ontological Argument - The Idea
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The Ontological Argument (Argument for the Existence of God)
15: Descartes' Proof for God -- The Ontological Argument
18.02 Descartes's Ontological Argument - Statement
18.01 Descartes's Ontological Argument - Context
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The Ontological Argument: Descartes's Version
18.07 Descartes's Ontological Argument - Existence is not a Perfection
18.08 Descartes's Ontological Argument - A Final Objection & Conclusion
Descartes: Rationalism and the Ontological Argument
Kant's Criticism of the Ontological Argument
Descartes' ontological argument in words and pictures