The Dark Truth About Money That the Wealthy Understand! (Do You?)

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The Dark Truth About Money That the Wealthy Understand! (Do You?)

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I have been thinking about this topic a lot as I get closer to FI and agree that reaching FI is not going to make me happier or more fulfilled. I have been working at improving these on my path to FI and enjoying the journey more.


I have been telling my kids for years the best thing money can buy them is freedom/choice/opportunity.. I guess houses and cars and boats are nice, but all that stuff means buying more stuff. Getting up in the morning and now worrying about what 'the boss' wants for some value of 'the boss'? Priceless....


I don't believe in loving the top of the mountain. I believe the "FUN" is in the climbing the mountain. Gary Vee said it best "Love the Process".


great points here between the relationship, or even inverse relationship in some ways, between wealth and happiness. If interested in this topic, highly recommend watching Ben Felix's video on wealth and happiness. Would be great if yall did a collab with him


2 women go out to lunch with very different financial portfolio’s. The woman who is worth millions brags to the woman who has the moderate income that she has it all. The lady with the moderate income says, “I beg to differ with you but there is something I have that you’ll never have!” The millionaire lady responds with arrogance, “What could you possible have that I don’t?” The response came quickly, ‘ENOUGH!”


The more you have in the bank, the more you are losing to inflation.


I’d be curious to know what what their debt to net worth is.


Well I agree with most things you guys say, I don't agree with your take on this. I agree money can't bring you happiness but to say it can't make you happier is not true. It would be make my life much easier if I didn't have to worry how much I was spending and to know that if I was laid-off again that I could afford to pay for insurance and not have to worry about 1 trip to the hospital could bankrupt me, so yes it is stupid to say lots money can't make your life a lot better, I would be glad to take my chances with having a lot more money and being happy then having a lot less and being happy.


Well i make 70 k in hospital and im so stressed.... sometimes lower income is stressful but i could really use 250 k to pay medical bills so would help my happiness so i can get a surgery i need( yes most medical workers in usa have crap medical insurance!)


if you feel so stressed give me some money pls lol


Maybe CEO's are depressed because they are treating their workers like shit 🤷‍♀️


I hate the "money doesn't solve all your problems and bring you happiness" arguments. The people I know who dream of having millions of dollars, myself included, simply want to have enough money to be relieved of financial stress. As a public school teacher, I don't get paid enough money to rent a one bedroom apartment in my area without it costing over 50% of my monthly income. I don't want multiple homes sprawled across the country, high end sports cars in the garage, or to take lavish vacations every month. I want enough money to not have to worry about making it month to month. I want to not worry about my rent increasing by $100/mo and completely ruining me. I want to not worry about a single surprise medical emergency devastating me financially and ruining my life.
