$1 MILLION BUYIN! Tom Dwan, Texas Mike, Action Dan, Peter & Handz! $500/1,000 -- MILLION DOLLAR GAME

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0:00 Countdown
30:00 Bruce Buffer Introduces Day One Players
44:20 Hook AT v Action Dan QJ| First Hand!
1:34:20 Action Dan A9 v Tom Dwan 65 | Big Pot! | Sideline Report by Veronica Brill
2:12:45 Tom Dwan AK v Texas Mike A7 | Tilt Alert!
2:50:00 Peter TT v Tom Dwan 94 | Cumulative Winnings
3:48:20 Texas Mike KT v Handz AQ | 🫣| Huge Pot!
4:16:25 Tom Dwan KQ v Texas Mike 53 | Cumulative Winnings
5:08:50 Peter 77 v Tom Dwan 97 | Cumulative Winnings
5:39:10 Action Dan K3 v Peter A6 | 👀
5:53:32 Peter 77 v Action Dan KK | Cumulative Winnings
6:04:05 Peter QJ v Handz A2 | #RaverDrone
6:33:55 Texas Mike T2 v Hook 87 | 🫣
6:41:30 Action Dan 76 v Texas Mike KQ | 👀
7:07:40 Peter QT v Tom Dwan JT | 🫣
7:31:10 Handz QQ v Texas Mike AK | 5-Bet Alert!!
8:11:40 Texas Mike AA v Peter QJ | Battle of the Big Stacks
8:47:45 Tom Dwan Interview with Veronica
8:54:25 Final Stats | Christian Sign Off | Ending Credits

Executive Producer: Nick Vertucci
Executive Producer: Ryan Feldman
Director: Neve Levy
Head of Video Production: Kyle Ravreby
Audio Technician: David Olivares, Gerry Feldman
Graphics Technician: Mike Peluso
Video Production: Aatmaj Kapoor, Nathan Ramirez, Christian Pangrazio
Animation: Alejandro Indriago
Casino GM: Shaun Yaple
System Engineer: Brett Drolet
Production Coordination: Clint Santiago Dahl
Special Thanks to the Flynt Family

#highstakespoker #poker #cashgame #livestream
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$0 - $500k =💰
$500k - $1mil =💰💰
$1mil+ =💰💰💰

0:00 Countdown
30:00 Bruce Buffer Introduces Day One Players
44:20 Hook AT v Action Dan QJ💰| First Hand!
59:20 3-Ways to the River! 💰| Cumulative Winnings 📊
1:14:25 Texas Mike KJ v Peter 99 💰| Peter Arrives!
1:34:20 Action Dan A9 v Tom Dwan 65 💰| Big Pot! | Sideline Report by Veronica Brill
1:45:57 Action Dan QJ v Peter 44 💰| Action Dan KQ v Texas Mike 53 💰
2:12:45 Tom Dwan AK v Texas Mike A7 💰| Tilt Alert!
2:30:45 Peter 96 v Texas Mike A6 💰| Cumulative Winnings 📊
2:50:00 Peter TT v Tom Dwan 94 💰💰💰| Cumulative Winnings 📊
3:16:55 Handz 77 v Hook J3 💰| Action Dan A6 v Tom Dwan K5 💰
3:38:25 Steve J2 v Hook A9 💰|😂| Hook Interview with Veronica Brill
3:48:20 Texas Mike KT v Handz AQ 💰| 🫣| Huge Pot!
4:16:25 Tom Dwan KQ v Texas Mike 53 💰| Cumulative Winnings 📊
4:50:20 Steve AK v Texas Mike QQ 💰|🫣
5:02:35 Texas Mike K6 v Peter A8 💰| Cumulative Winnings 📊
5:08:50 Peter 77 v Tom Dwan 97 💰| Cumulative Winnings 📊
5:21:40 Steve KJ v Tom Dwan QJ 💰| Nick & Veronica from the Casting Couch
5:29:07 Tom Dwan TT v Texas Mike JT 💰| Handz QQ v Hook AJ 💰
5:39:10 Action Dan K3 v Peter A6 💰| 👀
5:53:32 Peter 77 v Action Dan KK 💰💰💰| Cumulative Winnings 📊
6:04:05 Peter QJ v Handz A2 💰| #RaverDrone
6:33:55 Texas Mike T2 v Hook 87 💰💰💰| 🫣
6:41:30 Action Dan 76 v Texas Mike KQ 💰💰💰| 👀
7:07:40 Peter QT v Tom Dwan JT 💰💰| 🫣
7:31:10 Handz QQ v Texas Mike AK 💰💰💰| 5-Bet Alert!!
7:46:55 Steve J2 v Tom Dwan AK 💰| Peter QJ v Tom Dwan QJ 💰| Veronica's Take
8:11:40 Texas Mike AA v Peter QJ 💰| Battle of the Big Stacks
8:47:45 Tom Dwan Interview with Veronica
8:54:25 Final Stats | Christian Sign Off | Ending Credits


Imagine being stuck 1 million then not being able to continue because they beg you for an out of touch interview which results in the game breaking


poker 101: if a dude is down 1 million dollars, don’t drug him out of a game that is still running for interview. Ain’t nobody would be in that mood


That T2o hand @ 6:34:00 that Texas Mike played needs to go into the poker hall of fame. That was pure gold.


Literally the worst poker interview you could have. What smart person would ask those questions. She is completely bad vibes. BAD VIBES.


Honestly, what an intuitive play by the HCL producers to call Tom away from the game for that interview. Smart.


Tom was clearly not in the mood for that interview at the end.


Veronica was literally just needling him that entire interview.


Texas Mike decides to leave the game... Why don't you interview him instead? Tom Dwan gets dragged out for an interview, whilst stuck 1 million and that causes the game to break? I'm a fan of Brill but this was such a stupid move. I would be so pissed off if I was Dwan


Texas Mike played the best, sick bluff with T2. Peter wins all 3 million dollar hands, and Soto commentary was on point and funny for 8 hours


Steve's conversation is like chatgpt 3.5


"DURRRR looking at the sky, there's no windows here at the Hustler" an absolute gem of a commentary 👌 😂😂


I feel like no one has mentioned hook took 0 time to play hands all night… faster player ever much respect


Veronica, please ask better questions. Smh


Action Dan had some unbelievable plays. Guys on another level. I wish he had better results. Peter really played well too. Mike is also a beast.


LOL! Soto's raging when the weather cam comes on is hilarious!!


This table is a brutal table to buy-in for a million. Knowing people’s net worth means more here than the cards.


Even my anti-social ass could show more social awareness than that lady asking Tom about his 1M loss


Tom Dwan advertising for 3 things at once 😂😂


Peter’s incredible lucky draws combined with his usual mega aggression made it easy winning night, but I don’t expect such luck lasting next game.
