Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer, Dr. Mark Litwin | UCLAMDChat

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UCLA urologist Mark S. Litwin, MD, MPH, and his patient, former Major League Baseball player Steve Garvey, discuss prostate cancer. Learn about the tests, treatments and latest advancements in prostate cancer care from Dr. Litwin and hear a patient's perspective.

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Just to say this was a wonderful, easy to understand presentation. Congrats and thanks to Dr. Litwin and Steve Garvey. Bravo!


This is great! Thanks for posting this. Steve, God Bless you for being a voice for Prostate Cancer. Another reason I believe you are a legend.


My husband is 66 and will be undergoing a biopsy in a weeks time.
He first started of with having PSA levels of 14 and symptoms a year ago. He had a scan at that time that revealed an enlarged prostate and no cancer was seen on the scan. It was probably 2 or 3 months when he started having problems with waking at night to pee and was put on medication for this. We are now a year on and he started having other symptoms of erectile disorder and no ejaculate. The GP was not interested and just left it. Now his PSA levels are 28 and he had his first rectal examination. The Urologist has said the prostate feels very irregular and suspects cancer. He has a biopsy next week. I am terrified that he has cancer and that it has spread because of all of these other symptoms.


Very helpful video - Thank you! I'm an active, otherwise healthy, 71 year old male who was diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 months ago. My robotic radical prostatectomy is scheduled next week and I'm hoping for the best. My PSA of 6.6 was identified in my annual physical, I was referred to a urologist/oncologist who did DRE and said he thought I was clear but he recommended a biopsy just in case. My biopsy came back with 4 cores showing cancer, some having Gleason scores of 7 and 8, and some perineural invasion. This was the "dark day" Garvey describes in his experience. I give these details to say that modest PSA elevation coupled with a clear DRE is not the time to stop checking. After bone, abdomen/pelvis, and chest scans, it looks like the cancer has not spread but I won't know until the pathology report after the prostate removal - I'm praying... I was verging toward being more transparent about my diagnosis as a way to encourage other men to pursue regular prevention strategies; now I'm totally committed.


I'm having some of these symptoms. Heading to the doctor ASAP.


`I appreciated your thorough and articulate presentation. Thank you.


Thank you for this public service. And God bless you all.


Here are my prostate tests. I’m now 67 years old.

PSA Testing

In 2011 when it was 4.1 I was supposed to get a biopsy, however I decided not to go fir the test. It’s now 2019 and I still have not had a biopsy. I consider myself a pretty healthy person with no other medical issues. I play golf 4 to 5 times per week. I also play tennis sometimes. Up till now I have had no lower urinary tract problems that affect my quality of life. I realize that I could have PC but so far there is no sign or symptom of it. I know many would say I’m rolling the dice but that’s the decision I’ve made. I keep wondering what my quality of life would have been like had I gone in for that initial biopsy. With an increasing psa I’m pretty sure I would have had repeated biopsies with all its associated risks and several courses of prophylactic antibiotics. I am not suggesting that anyone should follow what I’m doing. I think that every person is entitled to make their own decision as to how to proceed. I may yet have PC and regret my decisions but as of now I do not plan on having any biopsies. My life and health is exactly where I want it to be at 67.


Great presentation and immensely informative


Thanks for the video.  Both guys are great speakers.  Good luck.


Common man can understand this great Doctor


DR. Litwin, since this video has been made, 9- years ago, have their now been advancements in the prostate cancer arena that are available today 02/05/2023 that were not when Mr. Garvey was diagnosed?


Hello I looked at the video and it was very interesting I wish that you would have a lab rated more about African Americans will prostate cancer because I like to know more about it.


I finally decided to get another psa about a month ago. I just turned 69 in June. I know people will freak out about this number but I’m still not getting a biopsy at this time. My psa is now 28.. From 4 in 2011 to 28 now. What has not changed is anything I can discern healthwise.. I still play golf and tennis 4 to 5 times per week. I have no difficult or painful urination or no obstructive symptoms that I can discern and no sensation of residual urine in my bladder. At 69 I do have some increased frequency which is not a big bother for me. I do have high blood pressure but it’s now down in the normal range with my medication. As I mentioned I don’t plan on getting a biopsy. All of my tests results are in the normal range except for the psa and I still weigh 170lbs. I know all about the increased risks for African Americans but apart from a slight increase in frequency I have no other signs or symptoms that’s affecting my quality of life. I continue to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.


My PSA was 9:two months later it was 8. When I couldn’t pee I went to hospital and they relieved me with a catheter, they wanted to keep it in I said no and have been peeing ever since although they gave me Tamsulosin I stopped taking it two months later and no problems. The Urologist wanted to do a biopsy when my PSA was 9 I asked for another test and it was 8 so he said let’s monitor it and see if it falls . I’m 69 and have an enlarged prostate which I think is the reason why it was 9 I also have high blood pressure and take Perindopril


Recently, I had a prostate needle biopsy done. My urologist will be meeting with me soon to discuss the results. There is no history of prostate cancer in my family, and I am not an African American. I would like to add that my P.S.A. prior to the prostate needle biopsy was 11.


Thank you, Dr. Litwin. Thank you, Mr. Garvey.


Steve, nice to hear your comments, was always a big fan of yours. Just starting down this path... PSA > 30, biopsy next.


What is the medication for PSA that has rise to 170


If this guys is an expert then he should give you the correct stats.  If you have a PSA of 4 or below your chance of not having prostate cancer is about 80%.  However, that same score has a false negative value of 15% (in other words, you are led to believe you don't have prostate cancer but you actually do!).  Likewise, if you have a PSA between 4 and 10 then you have a 75% chance of NOT having prostate cancer.  That being said, if you are one of the unlucky 25% the fact is that you have a 97% chance of NOT having an aggressive cancer that will kill you.  So the PSA test is meaningless for the average man.  However, it has helped to pay for a doctor's new house or bass boat as it typically brings people into the urologists office for a biopsy and sometimes radical treatments which can ruin a man's life.  In short, the PSA test for prostate cancer screening is a scam for most men other than perhaps African-Americans or those with a family history.
