Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen Hicks: Chapter 6: Postmodern Strategy

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This audiobook edition of Explaining Postmodernism is read by the author.

To download MP3s of the audiobook or for more information, visit Dr. Stephen Hicks's Explaining Postmodernism page:

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Wonderful book! This has had me thinking about my own school the Evergreen State College, which has entered the news lately because of far left intolerance and emotive protesting. Thanks for the salient insights and the concise threads of developing ideas through history. I missed out on Rousseau completely.


Thank you Hicks. I got here because of your interview with jordan peterson. I hope the part of this book "why modern art is ugly" is found as audio version in your channel. I will look for that next. this was very informative.


I enjoyed this audio book very much. Thanks for your work!


Waiting for that underground man to show up.This is a great reading, and even better that it's by the author.
The question and concern is; is there any room in academia for those who don't buy into socialism? I like philosophy, with a degree in it and philosophy, but am baffled as to what niche exists for those who prefer Hayek and Friedman, yet are oriented towards metaphysics and not economics. There's a better way to state this, though this is the gist of it. 


Oh such serenity! This series was like secretly comming upon an uncontacted tribe of failed starship people stranded one thousand years in the Australian outback. The thought passes through my mind to set up a clandestined open air museum around it. Perhaps we can buy Evergreen College for the same purpose.


We need to get this on the radio. People have to know what is going on.


0:00 Connecting epistemology to politics
1:57 Unmasking and rhetoric
9:30 When theory clashes with fact [Quote full section!]
11:29 Kierkegaardian postmodernism

Contrasting the attitudes of the rationalist/scientific truth-seeker vs the blind dogmatist (secular or religious):

"Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth." - Aristotle


“Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt.” - Cardinal John Henry Newman
“If anyone had written to me that the truth was outside of Christ, I would rather remain with Christ than with the truth.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky
"With his unparalleled capacity for confession, Rousseau generalized [the above bias] point to all philosophers: “Each knows well that his system is no better founded than the others. But he maintains it because it is his. There is not a single one of them who, if he came to know the true and the false, would not prefer the lie he has found to the truth discovered by another”"

17:25 Reversing Thrasymachus: From "Might Makes Right" to "Weakness Makes Right"


I am now supposing linguistic illustration of ideas is now useless, if I were to adopt modern realist (ahem) ! "Cognition", that is .
Bye- bye poetry.
Bye - bye imagery.
I dont care who "killed" god but now am aware what is murdering art and the gift of imagination .
